Orbit's Birthday Part 2: Antics

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Then there was a race

Commentator 1: And they're off

Commentator 2: I just got word that the winner receives a free year of moonpies

Orbit heard this and got in the race

Commentator 2: What wait wait Orbit! Orbit! Orbit you're not part of this race!

Commentator 1: I think he wants the moonpies

Then Orbit won

Commentator 1: Let's let it slide it's his birthday 🎂

Then later during the game

Orbit and Harper held up a sign that said "Batter Cried During The Notebook"

Commentator 2: Op there's the sign treatment from Orbit and Harper

Commentator 1: Batter has looked behind him he knows he's being mocked by them. Who didn't cry during The Notebook? Come on

Then later the mascots and Kismet got out onto the field to celebrate 🎉  with a cake made out of moonpies

Then later the mascots and Kismet got out onto the field to celebrate 🎉  with a cake made out of moonpies

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Then Trojan and Bax pushed Orbit's face into the cake 🎂

Commentator 2: Happy Birthday Orbit 🎂

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