Father's Day Baseball Game

22 1 13

Beats, Fern, and Ember: Happy Father's Day Dad

Ablaze: Thanks guys

Ablaze: Awww 🥰

Orbit: Hey Ablaze

Ablaze: Orbit! 😄

Astro: Hi hi

Ablaze: Astro you got so big

Starlight: Hello Ablaze nice to see you again

Ablaze: Hi Starlight

Starlight: Hey Ember

Ember: Hey Starlight

Beats: Hi Astro

Astro: Hello

Fern: Hi

Astro: Hi

Ablaze: See you in the crowd when you go into it

Orbit: Oh no ya don't

Then he uses his hair to pull Ablaze and his fam towards him

Ablaze: Orbit?

Orbit: Come with me

Then he takes them to where he sits during the game

Ablaze: Wow thanks Orbit

Beats: Cool

Then the game started

It was time for a race

Commentator 1: Well they're off

Commentator 2: I have just received word that today's winner receives a free year of moonpies

Orbit's dad, Planet, heard this and got in the race

Commentator 1: What? Wait wait wait Planet! Planet! You're not part of this race Planet

Then Orbit joins in

Commentator 2: And now Orbit is in the race

Commentator 1: Like father like son

Ablaze: I see where you get some things from

Orbit: Yeah

Then Fern and Astro played with the silly string and got all over Orbit and Ablaze

Fern and Astro: Happy Father's Day!

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