Shatterverse Characters Part 3

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Sofia is part of the Pop Tribe

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Sofia is part of the Pop Tribe. She is a shy girl but has really great ideas. She has Art Power which means anything she draws comes to life. She's really creative and kind. She's great friends with the guardians and Christal. 


Christal is part of the Pop Tribe

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Christal is part of the Pop Tribe. She has Water and Tech Power. She likes to hang out with her friends. She's always ready to lend a helping hand. She's really good friends with the guardians and Sofia.

Sofia is my oc and my trollsona

Christal is Jrae25's oc and trollsona

They both are able to see what's happening across the Shatterverse but can't tell the main characters about conflicts that are going to happening that are important to the story

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