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Hype and Holly were waiting for their new baby to hatch

Then they heard someone at the door

Lily opened it

Lily: Hello?

Boy: Hi is this where Hype lives?

Lily: Dad?

Hype: What's wrong Lily?

Lily: There's a boy at the door and he says he's looking for you

Hype: Hello. Can I help you?

Boy: Do you know Emerald?

Hype: Yes

Boy: I'm Stone and she said that if anything happened to her to go to you dad

Hype: Wait Emerald was pregnant before I broke up with her?

Stone: Yes

Holly: I mean it would be wrong to let you live in the streets

Hype: Holly the reason I broke up with Emerald was because she lied and used me for popularity  and she tried to kill you and Pearly once

Holly: Hype we have to do the right thing and that's letting Stone stay with us. He's your son

Hype: Okay but I'm getting a DNA test to make sure that he is telling the truth about him being my son

Stone: Fine with me

Then they let Stone inside

Lily: I can't wait to meet my baby brother or sister

Hype: I know Lily

Stone: Baby?

Lily: We're waiting for the new baby to hatch

Hype got a DNA test and Stone was telling the truth he was Hype's son from Emerald

Later at night

Hype woke up because he heard crying and went to see what it was 

Hype: Stone?

Stone: Dad? Sorry I woke you up

Hype: Why are you upset? Is it because Emerald's dead?

Stone: No it's not that dad

Hype: What's wrong then?

Stone: Mom always wanted revenge on you for breaking up with her and wanted to use me to do it but I never wanted to do it so she treated me terribly like I was a slave instead of her son

Hype: That's terrible

Stone: I never felt like I belonged anywhere

Hype: You belong here with me and Holly

Then he pulled Stone to him and gave him a hug

Stone: Thanks dad

Hype: No problem Stone

Then somehow Emerald came in

Hype: Emerald?

Stone: Mom?

Emerald: So that's where you went Stone

Hype: How are you alive?

Stone: I saw you fall off the cliff and die

Emerald: I survived the fall

Hype: You have got to be kidding me

Emerald: Come on Stone we're going home

Stone: No I want to stay with dad and Holly they treat me better than you ever did

Emerald: Holly isn't your real mom

Stone: She's more of a mom than you are and dad treats me like I'm his son unlike you ever did

Emerald: Why you

Hype: Go away Emerald you never loved Stone and never gave him what he needed

Emerald: You left me while I was pregnant with him

Hype: How would I know that you were pregnant? You used me for popularity and never loved me and I will not have you treat my son like garbage

Then Emerald leaves but is soon arrested for child abuse and attemptive murder 

Stone: I love you dad

Hype: Love you too Stone and welcome home

The next day

Hype: Nah keep them closed

Stone: Why do I need to keep my eyes closed?

Hype: You'll find out

Then he takes Stone into a room

Hype: Okay open your eyes

Then Stone opens them and sees that Hype and Holly made him a room 

Stone: Thanks dad and mom

Holly: No problem Stone

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