Trism Baby

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Trickee married Prism a few years ago

They both wanted to have a child of their own

Trickee was hanging out with his friends while Prism was with her friends

Boom: So how are you guys doing?

Branch: Good waiting for the twins to hatch

Ablaze: Just hanging out

Hype: My daughter recently hatched

Boom: What's her name?

Hype: Lily

Trickee: Cute

Branch: How've you been Boom?

Boom: Good just hanging out with Floyd and Remix

Hype: And what about you Trickee?

Trickee: Things are going good for me and Prism but we really want to have a kid of our own

Branch: I'm sure that Prism will get pregnant at some point

Trickee: I hope so but either way I'm glad to be with Prism

Then later at home

Prism: *groans*

Trickee: Prism are you okay?

Prism: My head hurts and I feel nauseous

Trickee: I should take you to the doctor

At the doctor

Trickee was outside waiting for Prism

Branch: Trickee what's going on?

Trickee: I think Prism is sick she keeps complaining about headaches and she's been vomiting for the past few days

Boom: Floyd was like that until we found out he was pregnant with Remix

Hype: Are you saying that you think Prism is pregnant?

Boom: Maybe

Then Prism came out with the doctor

Trickee: Is Prism okay?

Prism: I'm okay Trickee

Doctor: Yep she's just expecting a baby

Trickee: What?

Prism: I'm pregnant

Trickee: That's great Prism

A few days later the egg came

Then a few weeks later

The egg started to hatch

Prism: Trickee come quick the egg is hatching

Trickee: Really

Then a baby girl came out

She had orange skin and purple hair like her parents

Baby: *yawns* 🥱

Trickee: Hi baby girl I'm your dad and this is your mom

Baby: Dada! Mama!

Prism: Aww 🥰

Trickee: What should we call her?

Prism: How about Trixie

Trickee: I like it Trixie it is

Trixie: 😄

Prism: I think she likes her name

Trickee: Welcome to the world Trixie

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