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Sofia is my trollsona

She has turquoise hair, light purple eyes, and light purple skin. She wears a jean shirt, mint and light purple leg warmers, a blue headband, a light blue jacket, and a mint shirt. Part of her hair covers her eye.

She is very creative and artistic. She is very sweet and kind but also really shy

She spends most of her time drawing, painting, or making art

She is cousins with Luna, Ivy, Coral, Isla, and Skylar

She met Viva in Music High when she decides to overcomes her shyness and talk to her and gets Viva used to the school

She has a group of friends called the Random Trolls (don't ask why)

That group consists of her and her friends Zoey, Niki, Ciara, Evelynn, Reagan, Adair

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