Crush 🩷💕

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Chase was in love with Sofia after babysitting his niece and nephew with her

Trickee: What's up with you Chase? You haven't been acting like yourself in the past few days

Chase: Huh? You say something?

Trickee: Are you okay?

Chase: I'm fine

Sofia: Hi Chase

Chase: Ah! Oh hi Sofia. Haven't seen you since we babysat Trixie and Turbo. How've you been?

Sofia: Good, you?

Chase: I've been alright just hanging out

Sofia: That's nice

Chase: Um have you been up to anything interesting?

Sofia: Not really just same old same old

Chase: Ok

Sofia: I was wondering if you wanted to go out later tonight

Chase: Uh sure

Sofia: Great see you later

Then she leaves and Chase was in a blushing mess

Trickee: That was nice of her, right Chase? Huh? Chase? Bro!

Chase: Huh? What did you say?

Trickee: Oh I see what's happening you like her my little bro is in love

Chase: No I'm not

Trickee: The blushing says otherwise

Chase: Ok maybe I do

Trickee: Come here you

Then he messes with Chase's hair

Chase: Trickee stop

The gets out of Trickee's grip

Chase: You know I hate that

Trickee: To be fair you made fun of me when I had a crush on Prism so this is payback

Chase: Ok fair enough but what do I say to her?

Trickee: You can start with telling her how you feel about her

Chase: Um okay

Trickee: And don't worry if I was able to tell Prism my feelings then you can tell Sofia yours

Chase: I don't think it works like that Trickee

Trickee: Trust me you got this

Then later Chase meets Sofia and they go to the beach

Chase: So what do you do?

Sofia: I'm an artist and like to draw

Chase: Nice

Sofia: What about you?

Chase: I just hang out and watch my niece and nephew from time to time

Sofia: That's nice

Chase: If you don't mind me asking who's Chris because I remember that from when we babysat

Sofia: Oh right I did say that and Trixie said that too

Chase: You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable that was a dumb of me to ask any way. I don't know what you see in me

Sofia: It's okay. I think you're great. You're sweet and kind and I know that you would never hurt me

Chase: You think that?

Sofia: Yes I do you're very different from my ex boyfriend. He wanted me to stop making art and I didn't like that idea and I realized he was making fun of my art and that hurt so I broke up with him. I thought that we could have been a match

Chase: That's terrible Sofia. I'm sorry to hear that

Sofia: I don't think he was ever interested in me anyway I don't know what I was thinking

Chase: I think that you're amazing at art and should never give up on your dream

Sofia: Thanks Chase

Then she kisses him which makes Chase blush a lot

Chase: 😳

Sofia: I wanted to do that when we met

Chase: I didn't know you felt that way

Sofia: I did and I still feel that way

Chase: Same here

Then they kiss and have a great night

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