Nobody Understands Me

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This is part of the song Nobody Understands Me

Ember was walking around worried about Mrs. White and that she wanted to kill Solar

Then she saw her dad's friends who were trying to fix something

Boom: Ok I'll just give this a wack

Then he hits the nail and accidentally hits Branch's hand

Branch: Ow! 😣

Boom: Sorry

Trickee: Come on you guys

Give it a shove

Boom: Hammer and ax at the ready

Hype: Gee it look mighty unsteady

Ember: Somebody has to help me

Boom: How do we know it's working?

Ember: Somebody has to listen

Trickee: Where's the oil can at?

Ember: Solar's in awful trouble

Branch: Hold on Ember

Trickee: What is it?

Ember: Mrs. White wants to kill Solar

Hype: What happened this time? Her dog again?

Ember: Yeah

Trickee: Should we do what we did last time?

Boom: When we were watering the crops

Hype: Turned the hose on Mrs. White

Trickee: Should we do it again?

Branch: "I'll get you and that little girl and her dog too"

Trickee, Hype, and Boom: 😆😆😆

Ember: You're no help

Then she goes to her parents

Ember: Mom? Dad?

Ablaze: Yeah Ember

Ember: Mrs. White wants to kill Solar

Daisy: That's not gonna happen Ember

Ablaze: Yeah she has no right to do it

Ember: Thanks dad and mom

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