Us against the world

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"What is this non-sense Taehyung? Answer us, fucking answer us goddamit."

Jimin screamed again but Tae just kept crying. 

They were all sitting in Yoongi's house - away from the college crowd and the judging eyes. 

Jungkook squeezed Tae's hand tight and caressed his back, "Sshhh - its okay. I am here."

Shaking his head, Jimin threw them nasty looks, "Seriously Tae - him - him - of all the people? I mean - have you forgotten everything? The past - the torture? What magic has this man done?"

Wiping his tears, Tae looked up and managed to speak a few words, "I love him Chim. We both love each other."

Yoongi and Hope exchanged glances. They had their suspicions since last few days and it was confirmed. 

Sara and Jackson already knew the truth. 

Jimin was disgusted with the truth.

"He is toxic Tae - fucking toxic for you. He has always been hurting you. Have you forgotten how we met? How we became friends? He had locked you in a room for his entertainment - how can you even say that you love him?"

Tae had no answer. He kept crying - looking down at the marble floor.

When Tae didn't answer - Jimin lost his shit, "Okay - if this is what you want then its your life Tae. But I am not going to support this. You can choose him - but - but I won't be a part of your life. You will lose me as a friend - forever."

"Nooo - Chim - pleaseee," Tae begged folding his hands but Jimin took a step back.

Sighing, Hobi shook his head, "That's too much now Jimin. Come on - sit and we can talk."

Jimin was not going to listen, "No - I am done with this. I thought they were friends - even that was too much. But this - this is disgusting. You have made a fool of yourself Tae  in front of the whole college by begging him to fuck you. Seriously - what has he done to you? Can you imagine what people must be thinking about you? He has bullied you in the most horrible way since you were kids and now - you are begging him to fuck you?"

"Jimin - fucking enough!" Sara shouted getting on her feet, "Why are you like this? Its their life. They thought they were having a private time together."

Rolling his eyes, Jimin snarled at his ex-girlfriend, "You knew about this, didn't you? I am pretty sure you encouraged this."

"Yes I did. In fact - I told them to get together and have been helping them since months," she finally confessed.

Jimin flashed a sad smile and nodded at Sara, "I am glad I broke up with you. You are as hopeless as them."

Turning his attention to the crying Tae, Jimin spoke before leaving, "Goodbye Tae! I hope you well - I hope this love does not kill you. I hope you open your eyes on time and see what a pathetic choice you have made."

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