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Turns out, Enzo really did come to terms that he deserved love. He deserved to be happy, but he didn't want to be happy with anyone but Juliette.

She was his world, his life, his happiness. The sole reason why he kept going.

Ezra was a pain in the ass, everyone could agree, especially Juliette. Enzo was indecisive, immature but Jules never gave up, because the second she said "I love you" to Enzo, there was no way for her to give up on him.

They fought, they still fought- they won't ever stop. But that's what love is; it's never perfect. A relationship is never perfect, it's the love that you have for eachother that should be perfect.

It took them a while to understand that, especially with them fighting so much- mostly because of Enzo and his immaturity.

They even broke up, but let's be real- they couldn't even go a week without eachother. Without eachother, they don't function.

But in the end, they really did make it.  All those fights were worth it in the ene because in the end, it was Lorenzo and Juliette. The nerd and the jackass. Those two against the world or as some say, till death do them apart.

"Do you promise to love Lorenzo till death do you apart?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

It didn't take long for Enzo to smash his lips against Jules' with tears in his eyes. Because he proved them wrong, he married her. He got her, forever.

Later that same day, it was just the two of them, alone, in the cruise ship with "I Can't Help Falling In Love" playing behind them.

"Can you believe we're married?"

"No, I didn't think I'd end up with someone like you." Jules says.

Enzo presses his lips on her forehead, smiling. Nothing Jules could say- even her small mean comments could make him lose that smile.

"Does it still hurt?" Jules ask, running her fingers on Enzo's forearm, where 'Juliette' was written.

"No, im fine." He assures her.

Jules grins. "I can't believe you got my name tattooed. I love you and shit but there's no way I'm getting anything of you tattooed."

Enzo rolls his eyes. "Fuck off."

Yes, still immature and curses like a sailor.

Enzo ended up graduating college and Andrew (surprisingly) and took over their father's business which is going surprisingly amazing.

Jules doesn't fail to make Enzo remember how she stayed with him, even though he was a big dumbass of a failure, so he should spend all the money on her.

He just got richer and richer by day.

And Enzo made sure the term "people aren't made of money" never applied to Jules because he did just that. He made sure Jules was never hesitant of asking him anything.

And their dreams of living in an apartment complex together did come true for a little while until it was time for everyone to move on, get married and get their own house- or mansion.

The 6 friends are still the bestest of friends, all settled in London living their happiest lives full of drama.

High-school Enzo would never believe that whatever thoughts he had of Juliette would come true.

Because afterall, the thoughts of her was still unbelievable and a fairytale to him.

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