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Avni's POV


I was amused to see Alex's face getting paler. And there was one more boy whom I didn't knew.

He was a tall guy will an amazing built, I knew because he's muscles were noticable from the white tshirt he was wearing. And the best thing was, his glasses. And was still looking dominant while wearing glasses. God's favorite.

I assume that's Eddy, Alex's boyfriend.

"It was his idea." Alex pointed towards Eddy. As Eddy, looked at him dumb folded and pulled his sleeves. Alex smacked his hand away, ignoring him, and mouthed, 'who is she?' to me.

"She is standing right in front of you, mister." Zola informed and as she rested her hands rested on her hips which, in my opinion, was quite funny. She was looking like she was trying to cosplay chicken which was failing miserably.

We were all trying to control our laughter. Alex was the first one who laughed. He cackled as he fell on the couch.

I joined him soon after as Zola was looking ready to kill someone and Eddy was just awkwardly standing there. They looked cute together.

"What's so funny about this?!" Zola was irritated.

Alex in between his laughs reply, "you should look at yourself." He pulled out his phone clicked a photo of Zola and turned his phone towards her to see. And soon, she was laughing as well.

After 20 minutes Zola returned from my room, wear a dry pair of shorts and t-shirt of mine. And just after she came, Eddy returned with a cake, which apparently they forgot to bring. In the meantime, we cleaned the whole mess that was on the front door.

We all sat on the couch.

"So everyone's here." Alex started. "We should start with introductions."

"I am Alex, Avin's only friend who survived this long." He said with a proud smile.

"Should've killed you the day, we first met." I whispered.

" Yeah yeah,  love you too Aav. " He replied with a cheeky smile.

" Seriously, ew."

" Whatever, same. By the way, guys this is my boyfriend, Eddy. And Eddy, this is my friend, Avni, and this is..." He pointed towards Zola.

"Zola. Avni's friend." She smiled.

"So Zola, you have pretty eyes" he said but soon added, " but not prettier than my boyfriend's of course." He winked to Eddy.

"So we should celebrate, for what, we are here." He clapped as Eddy bought the cake on the table.  And Alex took it out of the box and lit the candle.

I don't know how I should feel about this. Alex was the only one who remembered my birthday every year apart from my parents, who, unlike Alex, didn't seem much excited for it. Alex on the other hand, was a different story, he always did these stupid pranks, saying, that doing some little disaster would make the bigger ones disappear. It only made sense to him. 

"Now blow the candle." Alex ordered.

As I was about to blow the candle, Zola interrupted, "make a wish first."

"She never doe- " Alex stopped after he saw that I was closing my eyes for making a wish.

I want my friends to be with me forever.

And I blew the candle.

"Happy birthday to you,
  Happy birthday to you,
  Happy birthday dear Avni,
  Happy birthday to you." They all sang.

I cut the cake, took one slice and moved it towards Alex, for him to eat.

"Thank you for all this, Alex." I said with a genuine smile. "Thank you for remembering my birthday and actually doing something to make it special."

"Aww, Aav. Shut up you are like my sister, of course I'll celebrate your birthday as it is the best day of the year." He patted my shoulder.

After eating the cake, everyone sat on the couch, as some old movie was playing on the tv. We talked about random things. Eddy was a senior and goes to the same school as Alex. Which means he'll be graduating before me and Alex. Which reminded me.

"Zola, which school do you go to?" I asked.

She looked uncomfortable as she answered, " I am home schooling."

"Must be fun." Alex remarked.

"Yeah it is."

After talking for a long time, we decided we should order pizza. And after we all ate, it was time for everyone to leave.

"So, we should leave, it already late. See you, Aav." Alex got up and Eddy followed the action.

" Yeah, Avni it's late, I should leave as well. " Zola added.

" Yeah, let me get my car keys." I got my keys and went outside to see her waiting outside for me.

I dropped her near her home.  But on my way back home, I saw Leo, if I'm right, I wasn't able to recognise him. There was some figure. And I thought it was him.

I will ask him when we meet. For now, I'm super tired. I'll go home and have a beauty sleep.


Hye lovelies, I am tired. Good night.  I love Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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