Chapter 20: "Together"

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I sighed as I quickly got out of bed and got dressed.

I put on a pair of baggy jeans with cuffs at the bottom, a plain black shirt and my very own jersey my Dad had gotten me when I was younger that was too big for me then, but fit perfectly now.

It was red with my last name, "Smalls," and my lucky number seven on the back like all the famous baseball players jerseys had.

I quickly threw my hair up in a high ponytail and threw on my cap. I brought a shoe box out from under my bed and opened it.

P.F. Flyers. Guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher.

I let out a small sigh as I picked up the note that was in the box and quickly read it.

For my Future Baseball Player,

Here are some shoes to help you chase after your dreams.

Happy Birthday my Little Firecracker!

Love Dad,

I set the note back in the box as I quickly put the shoes on, tears gathering in my eyes as I laced them.

A knock at my window suddenly brings me out of my thoughts.

I run up to the window and open it to see Benny.

"I had a dream," Benny said, looking me up and down, probably wondering why I'm dressed. "We're going to the Sandlot."

"I had a dream too," I said, wiping the leftover tears from my eyes.

Benny nodded, "I already got your brother."

I nodded as I looked at Benny with a small smile.

My Dad's words from the note still replayed, fresh in my mind.

"Hey," Benny said, bringing me out of my thoughts once again. "Are you okay?"

Benny always seemed to sense when something was wrong with me, I couldn't hide anything from him.

Sometimes it was frustrating. Now was not one of those times.

"I just read a note my Dad left me is all," I admitted with a shrug.

Benny nodded as he placed a quick, small, and gentle kiss on my lips.

"You're the best, Benny," I smiled when he pulled away.

"So are you," Benny replied.

"I think I know what you're up to," I said with a nod. "And I'm going with you."

"I figured you would," Benny smiled. "I brought P.F. Flyers."

"So did I," I winked.

Only one kid in history had ever attempted what Benny and I were about to, and that one kid had gotten eaten.

So the boys were worried...really worried...

I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't worried too.

I stood silently beside Benny as he slipped off his old shoes and replaced them with a brand new pair of P.F. Flyers.

Everyone was silent as Benny put on his shoes.

I would be lying if I said that the look of determination on Benny's face didn't look cute.

He looked really attractive actually in his white jersey with his last name on the back.

Once he was done, he and I started towards the fence.

I was determined to get this stupid ball.

I felt determined to get my brother out of the pickle he had somehow got everyone into.

I was going to get this ball back from The Beast because to me...The Beast was just another obstacle towards me facing my fears and becoming the first ever woman to play baseball.

I was going to become a legend.

Even if it killed me.

I would die doing the right thing.

"We can't let them do this, man," I heard one of the boys behind us say.

Benny and I turned around to look at the boys staring back at us, all looking worried.

"Benny, Y/n, wait," Scotty said, looking guilty. "It's okay. It was my fault. You don't have to do this."

"Yeah," Ham joined in. "Come on, Benny, man. Little Red. You guys don't have to do it. Forget about it."

"It's like committing suicide, Benny and Little Red," Squints said. "Don't do it."

"Yeah, don't do it, guys," Bertram urged.

"Yeah," Yeah-Yeah nodded. "Don't do it. It's suicide."

"Yeah, I do, Smalls," Benny said, looking right at my brother.

"So do I," I nodded. "We'll be ok."

I gave Scotty a small smile as he gave me one back.

Benny climbed up on the random pile of objects next to the fence.

Benny looked back and gave the boys a quick thumbs up as Babe Ruth's words rang in my ears.

"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong."

I turned towards the boys and gave them a small smile before walking after Benny towards the fence.

"You ready?" I asked, looking over the fence.

"Let's do this," Benny nodded as he placed both of his hands on the fence.

"Together," I nodded, determination running through me.

"Together," Benny repeated.

Benny and I quickly hopped the fence, landing on our feet.

We both looked around the backyard, taking in our surroundings and silently looking for the baseball.

Benny looked like he was struggling, standing there, I looked over to see the terror in his eyes that he was trying so desperately to hide.

I took Benny's hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze, letting him know that I was right there, beside him.

Benny nodded as if he understood what I said, but didn't say.

I let go of his hand as we both stared at the baseball just a few feet in front of us.

Benny slowly took a step forward, adjusted his hat on his head, and popped his knuckles.

I took a step forward, right next to him, adjusting my hat on my head too, making sure it wouldn't fall off before we started running.

Benny and I then took off running straight towards the ball.

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy studying for my AP exam. I took it already though so I will finally have time to post. Thanks for being patient. Love y'all. <3

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