29 - Rescue Mission

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~Reader's POV~

"Rise and shine princess." My eyes lazily open, I had been trapped in the same room since I had got here which was 5 days ago now sure I had been asleep for 3 of then but the two days that I wasn't asleep well I wish that I was. My body was drained from all strength, it made it seem like I was just an average person.

"Come on, wake up!" I flinch as a hand collides with the side of my face, I bite my lip in pain but i refuse to say anything. I fully open my eyes to look at Cody now smiling at a red mark I was sure there was on my cheek, part of me was glad I was being kept out of plain sight from anyone.

"There she is, now I have a surprise for you." He strokes my cheek with his thumb as I move away, at this he frowns and walks over to the same side of the room he had been every day.

"You know, this could have been a lot simpler if you were just open minded from the start. All I needed was simple information but you refuse to give me any, so we're doing it the hard way which I fins quite amusing." As he talks because that's what all villains do is just talk and talk I watch him prepare something that he was blocking my view of until he picked it up and turned around. A needle.

"I'm don't being creative, see what I'm holding here. This will set you on fire, not literally of course but wouldn't that be something. No, it will release toxins that makes you feel a painful burning sensation that will last a good few hours." He waltzes over to me and behind my chair before his mouth is right beside my ear.

"Time to see how strong you really are. Princess." He adds so much venom to his last word before grabbing my head with one hand to expose the skin on my neck, that's when I feel the pressure of the needle break through my skin and at a fast pace I feel liquid entering my bloodstream. That's when the feeling hit, the burning at first it wasn't so bad but as he took the needle away it got significantly worse. I felt on fire, like i was about to burst at any given moment while Cody just stood and watched me start sweating and writhing at one point my ears began ringing and I lost all sense of hearing. I go to look back at Cody but he was gone and red flashing lights began blaring.

~Bucky's POV~

"Alright, we go in. We split into teams of two and head seperate ways, me and Natsha. Clint and Sam. Wanda and Vision. Bruce is a back up for here and that leaves Bucky and Tony, once in there just follow your route take down ant agents and get Y/n out. Safely." Steve aims the last part at me to which I pat him on the back.

"Don't worry, this time we're not riding in on a train I'll be fine."He nods in response.

"Everyone ready?" There are a chorus of agreements around the Quinjet as everyone checks over their equipment again.

"Alright everyone, landing in 30 seconds!" Clint calls from the front and we feel the movement of the Quinjet as it lowers to the ground and we all gather at the entrance where Nat pushes the button for the door, at this we all get off to be met with a series of Hydra agents flying out from the small opening Steve remembered from last time. Everyone immediately begins fighting the agents, they came at us with guns and electrically shockable sticks but we all seemed to be doing pretty well except the more we fought here the more chance we wouldn't reach Y/n in time.

"Steve! We need to reach her!" He looks around to think of a solution before the ground shakes and all the agents before us were smashed and thrown beyond compare, we all look to the Hulk with a smile.

"Great work big guy, you stay here and take down anymore okay?" He nods in response to Natasha as we run into the base, taking down a few agents on our way but once we were in there were a few routes we could take.

"Bucky and Tony, you go down work from bottom up. Me and Natasha will work from top down. Wanda and Vision you guys take the right wing and Sam and Clint take the left, keep comms open to alert everyone of anything and for if you find her."

"When." I state to correct Steve.

"When we find her. Alright let's get moving." We all split off me and Tony immediately heading for the stairwell taking down agents with more ease than I would have liked, once we reach the bottom me and Tony start checking every room.

"This one's locked!" I look over to Tony, so far all the rooms had been unlocked and open but there was nothing special inside them at all. I head over to Tony.

"Well, let's get in there." He nods before we step back and he raises his blaster before firing it at the door making it open, we walk in to be met with none other than Cody himself.

"Hello fellas, how has it been?" Neither of us move for a moment just in case.

"Oh what is it with you people refusing to talk, your little Miss America already does tonnes of that." I clench my metal fist wanting so bad to punch him in the fave but I wait in case he had something up his sleeve.

"Where is she?" Tony asks, Cody pretends to think over his question before letting through a smirk.

"She's he, don't worry you did find her. But, she's not in the best frame of mind." We watch him press a button and metal panning on the wall beside us starts to raise up, that's when we see through the glass Y/n. She was shaking and binded to a chair, her hair was a mess and her skin was covered in far too many scarring and burns and whatever else he had done to her. My blood boils.

"She's a piece of work that one, good thing I'm part of Hydra. I tell ya she's a difficult bugger to put up with." I face the man.

"Then you don't know her, you don't put up with her or tolerate her sure she's a lot and too naive for her own good but she's the best damn thing you'll have and unfortunately our time is up." And just in time the others arrive, Tony had managed to contact them through Friday while Cody was chit chatting like all villains bloody do. Cody gives a look of worry before pressing another button opening yet another door where a rather large agent steps out into the room, he was encased in metal armour. I notice that through that door Cody has ran I go to go after him but Steve holds me back.

"He'll be met with the Hulk, we need you here." We duck from an arm of the agent, everyone was dodging and giving it their all. Without powers though we were pretty damn useless except for the small things, Tony and Vision ended up doing the most damage breaking away the armour bit by bit until sirens start going off.

"Shitz he activated emergency bombs, this whole mountain is going to collapse into us unless we get out!" Tony alerts us.

"Alright everyone back to the Quinjet, we'll get Y/n!" At Steve's words everyone disperses except for us two, we quickly run to the other room and of course he left it unlocked. We run in as debris starts to fall and she's there all droopy and just defeated, I go to walk over to Y/n but the roof starts collapsing and Steve holds it up.

"Get her!" I run over to her chair crouching in front of her, her held looks up ever so  slightly.

"Buck.." her voice was hoarse but she knew it was me that was a good start.

"I'm getting you out of here, come on." I look at her restraints to see the material they were out of, titanium damn. I try to think and quickly the best option I could come up with was taking Steve's shield and pummelling them over and over until it finally cracks so I grab them with my metal arm and pull as hard as possible breaking them apart.

"Alright come on, here ya go." I help hoist her from the chair still shaking, I go to lead her by the hand but she falls to the floor with a cry of pain. I walk over to her.

"You can't walk can you?" She subtly shakes her head so I position her against my chest and got to pick her up bridal style and as I do I hear a faint voice.

"I can do it.." I smile slightly heading over to Steve who let's us through before tossing the bricks and collecting back his shield, we start running through the corridors dodging anything that collapses making sure I was causing as least pain to her as possible. Once we had made it barely, we rushed to the Quinjet where Bruce had turned back and Cody was chained up tightly it looked as if he were sedated. As we enter the jet Steve told Clint to get it up in the air immediately, everyone's faces when they saw Y/n were shocked and emotion full I was surprised how well Steve had been doing.

"Place her down on the table." I move over to the table and place her down but once her skin hit the surface she curled, writhed and screamed

"We need to restrain her!" Me and Bruce work together to restraints her and once we do Steve goes to stand beside her with tearful eyes and holds her hand, she looks at Steve as Bruce sedated her and slowly she falls asleep. At least we had her.

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