32 - Friendly

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~Reader's POV~

It was the morning around 10am ish and me and Bucky had woken up still cuddled but neither of us bothered to move really since we were pretty sure Bruce had brought breakfast in for us while we were still sleeping, I thanked him mentally for not disturbing us since Bucky clearly needed sleep.

"Oh come on, that is not true in anyway shape or form." I say to Bucky, he was accusing me of being a snorer which I was anything but.

"It is true, I wouldn't lie." I give him a 'really' look to which he just swipes a finger of whip cream on my nose to which I scowl at him and he just shrugs, that's when the door opens and the entire tribe waltz in with for some reason confused looks.

"Hey guys!" I greet them as I wipe of the whipped cream from my nose.

"Someome is cheery today, and your speech is better." I hum in agreement as I try to cut up my bacon and pancakes but struggle due to lack of strength and right now it was the worse time to play up on me, I got frustrated before two hands encase mine attempting to take my cutlery.

"Here, let me." I sigh and let him take the cutlery and watch as he yet again cuts another few pieces for me, I didn't mind earlier when no one was watching but now they were all here just watching.

"There ya go." I take the cutlery back and start eating again.

"Thank you."

"What the hell happened?" We each look to the Avengers.

"Yeah, I get being nice yesterday but this is just weird and creepy." I roll my eyes at Sam.

"You're sharing a bed, why?" I glance to Bucky I didn't know what to respond that with at all.

"The chair was too uncomfortable to sleep so Y/n was kind enough to share, don’t worry it didn't hurt her." I silently thank Bucky for thinking quick and the others seemed to accept it.

"So why are we being nice?"

"Come on guys, you really think I'm shallow enough to fight with her after all this? Please." Steve heads over to me and places another kiss to my forehead, he was really trying to be less overprotective and I was thankful.

"So why are you all here?" I question them.

"Well, Fury knows about everything that's happened and wishes to undergo a series of questions with you about it all." I suddenly lose my appetite at this.

"He was insisting to talk to you today but luckily we convinced him to a week from now, because of your condition." I lay my cutlery down on my plate indicating I was done even though I had only eaten half, sometimes Fury was greay and sometimes he was just down right annoying. Who does that to a person who had undergone what I had undergone, I understand why he has questions but that soon was not okay.

"Y/n?" I look up at Steve.

"Who does that to a person, especially considering the circumstances." I feel a weight lift from beside me and my plate being picked up as Steve rubs my back.

"We really tried Y/n but he says that this has caused special circumstances for the initiative as well, you know how he gets." I huff in disappointment as I watch Bucky pick up his jacket and put it on.

"Where ya going?" He halts in his movements and faces me.

"As much as I enjoy your show Y/n and helping you, I do have work to do such as gym and everything that follows."

"Are you going to ignore me again?" The rooms tension picks up heavily and Steve's rubbing halts, Bucky looks at me carefully.

"No Y/n, I'm not. See you guys later." We all bid him goodbye.

"Seriously what happened?" I roll my eyes at Tony.

"Finally treated each other like humans, connected on a 40s level." The others look oddly.

"That makes sense, he did take care of us once mom passed." I hum in agreement before Bruce heads over to the screens beside my bed and he begins looking over everything.

"You're all being weird." I state aloud.

"Sorry, we just haven't spoken to or been around you in a long while. We missed you." I go to respond before I let out a painful 'ow' at Bruce's action, he had just jabbed my artifical leg and its tissue at the joint.

"Still sore?"

"Well yeah, my 'ow' indicates that. No need to go prodding jeez." A fee of the guys snicker at my comment.

"Just routine checks, how are you coping mentally with sleep and in general?"

"Well right now I'm doing okay, sleep is hard and a challenge but I'm not sure how to feel right now." He nods as I talk before heading over to his work desk grabbing something and coming back over.

"I'm giving you two types of medication to take until told otherwise, the first take twice a day morning and night they're pain meds. The second is similar to antidepressants but not quite these you have to take 3 times a day which is perfectly healthy and fine morning, lunch and night it should help with the sleeping too." I take the two tubs from Bruce looking at them closely.

"There's enough there for the first week so that I can make sure they do as they should." I hum before looking up at Bruce.

"Thanks Bruce. Should I take some now?"

"Yes, it would be wise but only 1 a time." I nod trying to lean to grab my water cup but wince slightly.

"Hey, I'll gey it." Steve walks over and hands me the cup to which I use to take 1 pill of each type of medication.

"Alright, you are allowed to leave all your levels are good and you've got the medication now which will help you around the tower. Unless in your room someone must be with you at all times." I huff at his last comment and roll my eyes.

"I mean it. Doctors orders."

"Yeah yeah, can I have help getting out then. I'm still sore." At this Steve comes to my side and so does Nat, they help me draw back the covers while Nat holds her hands out to me and Steve comes to help me more with the movement. I try to shift myself forward as Steve helps me once I'd moved forward a little they both help me swivel in my place as I wince and scowl at the movements, I looked down for the first time and I saw my leg making me stop.

"We couldn't replenish the tissue while you were asleep, we need you to be awake for such but for now we don't want to irritate it for now." I nod and give him a smile.

"Great work Bruce. Alright I need you both at each arm to help get me in my feet." They each nod as everyone stands around as precaution, Steve and Nat hold am arm each and on 3 I put as much effort into my legs as possible to stand while they do most of the work at hoisting me from the bed slowly as to not cause more pain. Once I was up they go to let me go but I grab onto them.

"Just give me a moment." They do as I ask before I'm finally settled in being stood up using my weight, sure my leg shool a little but thanks to the other leg that was doing most of the work.

"Here, use these crutches. You are weak right now but they should help in some ways." I nod taking them from him and leaning on them right away, this felt better much better.

"Alright, what's everyone doing?" I ask to the room.

"Well we were all going to go train, you can either come watch or go to bed?" I look to Steve.

"I'll come watch, I don't want to be alone." They all smile and we leave the room, the others head of far more quickly than I but Steve walks with me to make sure I'm okay and nothing to severe happens.

Cherish | Bucky Barnes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now