35 - Why

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~Reader's POV~

"Peter!" It had been 2 weeks since my meeting with Fury and I was getting better gradually, I only needed a singular crutch now for my human leg. I had just been called to the communal area and threatened with Steve dragging me out gently of course so I did as I was told and I was glad that I did this time, Peter was back. Once I had limped into the room Peter's face lit up as he rushed over to me and hugging me which made me have to catch my step and grimace ever so slightly. I saw Bucky jolt out of the corner of my eye to which I just shook my head at him and wrapped an arm around Peter before pulling away.

"How are you?" I ask him with a smile.

"I'm good I-"

"He's got a girlfriend!" I gasp loudly at this new provided information from my great friend Tony Stark, I watch Peter go all red and shy.

"What's she called, what's she like?" I make him even more red which is what I intended to achieve.

"She's called Michelle but we call her MJ, and she's a nice nerd."

"Ah so perfect for you." He scowls at me playfully before waving me off.

"Yeah yeah, anyway how are you doing?" I smile gently, he was always so caring and kind it was so sweet.

"I'm doing okay Peter don't worry about me, these guys are taking great care of me." He glances skeptically at Bucky before focussing on me again and I notice a confused look take over his face.

"Even Mr Bucky?" Everyone laughs a little except for Bucky.

"Yes even Mr Bucky, how come you're here?" I walk over towards the sofa and sitting so that my human leg can be levitated, Peter sitting beside me.

"Well he's here for a while." I notice Peter get upset and I get worried.

"My Aunt May well, she kind of..." I understood right away what he was trying to say so I brought him into my side for a hug.

"I'm sorry Peter, looks like we both get to sit around eating ice cream and getting everyone else to take care of us right?" At this his face brightens up again.

"That sounds great!" I earn death stares from everyone around but I didn't really care at all.

"But tonight I'm just going to get school work done and go to bed." He stands up from the sofa and starts to make his way from the room, we all wish him good night.

"So why are you all geared up ready to go?" They all share looks with one another.

"Well we got a new location, we believe that it is the same branch of Hydra you were investigating. We're going to get their information, get rid of them and get out." I make an 'ah' motion with my mouth at Sam's response.

"Let's hope you don't malfunction this time bird boy." Clint and Bucky laugh heartily at my statement promising Sam that he'd never move that down at all.

"Alright alright, I'm sure Sam will never live that down including the name but we need to get going. We'll be back as soon as possible." I watch as everyone starts rushing from the room going into battle mode, I was quite neverous being left alone here again for the first time but I didn't want them to know so I made it seem like I was okay. Steve pats me on the head as he goes by to which I roll my eyes wishing them all a good luck, except Bucky doesn't leave right away.

"Everything alright?"

"Y/n, I know you're worried about being left alone for the first time again so I'm sure you won't be getting any sleep. But you will find that I sent a recording to you, don't open it unless you're desperate. We'll be back as soon as possible, stay safe." He walks by me and I quickly grab his arm noticing how strong it actually was but shake it off, he looks down to me waiting for what I had to say.

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