34 - Questions

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~Reader's POV~

"I just don't feel ready at all to talk to him, Steve." Currently Steve was by my side walking with me on our way to the meeting room where everyone was waiting for me but I was admittedly hiding, I wasn't meant to be alone but I managed to bribe Bucky with chocolate who knew.

"I know, trust me I wish he didn't have to be so pushy but he is and technically we can't really do anything about it. You don't have to answer everything just give him satisfiable answers." We get to the meeting room and before we go in I stop Steve.

"Will you intervene of things get out of hand?" His face softens as he grabs the door handle.

"Of course, now come on. You're between me and Bucky." That made me feel better, Steve holds open the door for me since I was still on crutches. I semi-walk into the room over towards the seat beside Bucky to which he stands and offers me help, I had gotten better at managing myself but I was still fresh. Bucky holds my crutches in one hand as I hold onto his other arm to help lower myself to the chair and get as comfortable as I possibly can, once happy enough Steve and Bucky sit back down as we give our attention to Fury.

"Y/n, you know why I'm here I assume?"

"I do sir." He presses a button on a tape recorder in front of us making me stiffen in my seat.

"Sir, is that really necessary?" I smile over at Steve.

"It's alright Steve, whenever you're ready sir." He nods and looks down at his questions.

"Can you explain what your meeting encounter was like with Cody." This was an easy enough question.

"Well, I had got frustrated with certain people within the tower and needed some form of down time so I headed to an old fashioned bar that mimicked the 1900s-1940s rather nicely. I had been there for a while drinking before he had walked in and we shared a conversation about how we both just wanted to drink alone, we bonded very lightly over this and he gave me his contact information before leaving." He nods at my information.

"Did you share any form of information with this man during the build up to the abduction or during?" I take a breath.

"I shared absolutely no information about anything to do with the Avengers Initiative or shield during or prior to my abduction." He nods again as I start to fidget with my hands.

"Alright, did he ask for any sort of information and in what manner and to what extent?"

"Woah, sir I think-" Bucky had started to talk but I decide to cut him off.

"Bucky sit down, it's fine. He asked for information every time he saw me which was many hours of the day, the only times he wasn't in the room with me was during crises or food hours. Everytime he would ask he would act sickly sweet at first but when I wouldn't give a response, well he'd switch." I start to fidget a little more with my hands.

"Switch how?" I take a few breaths to calm myself down but I start to panic just a little bouncing my leg ever so slightly, I knew why he needed the information but talking about it was like reliving it. As my shaking got more vigorous I felt something warm be placed on my leg and pressure pressed lightly down, I look down to see a hand lightly on my lower thigh and it did put me at ease.

"Well, he switched to more angry means of information gathering. As you can see from my skin sir I can assure he really really tried every single time, I was close a few times to just giving him some sort of information anything but I didn't once. It came at a cost of potentially losing my life but luckily your team found me and saved me and are currently putting me through a rehabilitation process, so I ask one question myself. If you were in my situation having experienced pretty much any pain physically imaginable, traumatised from the experience would you be in any mood to discuss it so fresh to the incident?" He stares at me for a moment to which I stare him back, I was being bold I knew that much but I was setting barely any sleep as it was and this was completely unfair.

"You're right, I believe I have enough information. Rest easy, you will rejoin the field when you are physically and mentally capable to do so." Fury stops the recording and exits the room, everyone relaxing in their chairs except for me.

"I want my crutches. Please." Bucky stands up and grabs my crutches for me handing them back to me helping me stand to be able to use them.

"Y/n, are you alright?" I smile over at Bruce.

"I am fine, I'm just heading to my room for a while call me when dinner is ready." They all bid me goodbye as I leave the room making my way to the elevator to which I hear footsteps behind me, I glance to my right and see a slight shine so I knew it was Bucky. Pretty soon the elevator arrived and we both got in pressing for out floor, we stood in silence for a while until it was broken.

"I hope what I did wasn't out of line, you were just so agitated and fidgety."

"Not at all Barnes, if anything it helped me calm down a bit." The motion of the elevator finally stops and we both exit once the doors are open and we head for our rooms to which I open my door.

"You know, I'm right across the hall if you need anyone." I smile thankfully.

"I know Barnes, thank you." I turn back around and enter my room closing the door behind be and once I did my facade dropped, that talk brought everything back to the surface making it hurt all over again. I knew I was going to struggle a lot more now but what could I do, I got uncomfortable and mentioned that and he did leave it there but it was definitely too soon to talk. I hobble over to my bed where I had already pre-layed out a book for me to read to keep my mind off of things, so I carefully climbed onto the bed making sure I was propped upright with padding and comfortability before grabbing the book and beginning to read it.

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