37 - Heil Hydra

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~Bucky's POV~

"Come on Steve let it go, she was just cutting my hair. No arguments nothing." Steve had been questioning mine and Y/n's encounter all evening, worrying over whether we were arguing or planning to kill one another. It was about 7pm so we were making our way to the common area where most of everyone was, once we get there and enter the room we greet everyone.

"What happened to you?" I look at Tony and roll my eyes.

"Y/n cut his hair."

"Yeah I did a pretty good job didn't I." I turn to look at Y/n walking towards us without her crutch to help her.

"Yeah, he actually looks well human." I throw my hands in my pockets and look to the floor at that comment.

"Oh come on, it looks great. Like old Bucky." I watch Y/n walk hobble past me to stand with Natasha.

"Except for the uniform." I shake my head.

"Alright alright, yes I got a haircut, yes I look like my old self, and yes I do like it Y/n did a wonderful job. Can we please stop fixating on the hair and just go." I didn't really like attention to be on me anymore, in the 40s I would have thrived off of it but not now.

"Okay okay, relax. Where are we going?" Clint questions.

"There's a cool little bar on Gladdrdale Street, kind of clubish too so perfect for us girls and you boys. And Y/n since she won't be up much." I notice Y/n start fidgeting with her hands.

"Cool, let's go." Everyone starts splitting into groups to take seperate cars, me and Steve go to take our own.

"Y/n, coming?" I ask her and she smiles before nodding her head and making her way over to us as quick as she could and sitting in the back, I get into the drivers sear ad Steve sits in the passenger. Everyone else had gotten into other cars and we all took off, I turned on the radio and turned it up. I was just being a jerk last me and Y/n were travelling together to push her away and I had succeeded but since me and her were exploring whatever new relationship this was I wasn't going to be that jerk. Pretty soon I hear her mumbling along to the words and it put a small smile onto my face, not too long after we make it to the bar Nat was on about and I park up noticing the others were already waiting outside for us.

"Let's go." We all get out of the car and make pur way over to the others and as we walk along the pavement some man barges through Y/n to which I catch her from toppling over but I notice that she winces having still being sore.

"Watch it Bitch." Y/n looks down and doesn't really say anything but I wasn't going to let him get away with it, so I turn to look after him.

"She's not the one who went out of her way to barge into you." I feel a small arm grab onto my forearm.

"Let it go, please." The man walks back over to us as the rest of our group makes it over to us watching.

"I felt it." He was taller than me, maybe about Steve's height and rather built but I wasn't worried in any way shape or form.

"Right but I watched her almost fall to the ground so you know, I'm pretty sure it was your fault. Let alone the fact you called her a bitch."

"What do you expect me to do about it, not my fault she's weak and pathetic having her little boyfriend defend her." I feel her pull on my arm.

"Bucky, please." I look down at her with pleading eyes.

"Yes, listen to her just walk away." I glare at the man before glancing back at Y/n and her pleading look, and decide to let it go. I start to walk away with the others until I hear something that really pisses me off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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