Professor Umbridge's Punishment

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The mood seemed lighter the next morning, and less tense than it was last night. 

Parvati had made a paper Scissor-Tail Flycatcher with a plain piece of notebook paper and allowed it to soar across the classroom. Everyone hollered, having a good time. The sight of everyone enjoying themselves made Sera smile. 

She had almost forgotten about the fight she had with Seamus last night. 

Their enjoyment was over, however, was when a spell hit the Flycatcher, sending it down in ashes, landing back on Parvati's desk, much to everyone's dismay. 

"Good morning, class," said Professor Umbridge in a light, fake voice that made the hairs on the back of Sera's arms and neck stand up. 

She already hated that obnoxious voice that Sera couldn't stand. It wasn't any different from last night's speech. Everyone turned to face her, and the tension started back up again. She took out her tiny wand and flicked her wrist. The chalk began to write itself on the board. 

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels. O.W.L's. Which are most commonly known as owls." Everyone gave each other looks of disbelief. "Study hard, and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be . . . . severe." 

She giggled obnoxiously before flicking her wand again. The books that had been stacked on her desk floated in the air before one by one, each landed heavily on a student's desk. As Sera received her book, she immediately began to flip through the books. She immediately noticed that something looked a bit off. 

There was nothing that instructed them about how to use magic, or defensive spells. And that greatly peeved her. 

"Your previous instructions in this subject has been noticeably disturbingly uneven. But now, you will be pleased to know that, from now on, you will be following a carefully-structured, Ministry-approved course of magic defense. Yes?" 

Sera shot her hand in the air after flipping through various chapters. 

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells," she noted. 

Hermione, who sat next to her, nodded in agreement. 

Professor Umbridge scoffed. "Using magic? Ha! Well, I can't imagine why you would need to learn how to use spells in my classroom." 

"What if we need a time to defend ourselves?" Sera put in, trying to reason with her professor. This woman clearly did not know what she was doing. She was power-hungry and thought that she was the best out of everyone, including her fellow professors. She may be more worse than Gilderoy Lockhart from her second year! "You're telling us that we are not going to use magic? At all?" 

"You'll be learning defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way —" 

"What use is that?" Harry interrupted loudly. "Like my sister said. If we need a time to use magic to defend ourselves, you're going to be the one responsible for the one who wouldn't give us the proper technique for using spells." 

"Students will raise their hands in this classroom when they speak to me, Mr. Potter," said Professor Umbridge sharply. "It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you all through your examinations thoroughly, which is, after all, what school is all about." 

"And how is theory going to be helping us for what's out there?" Dante blurted out. 

"There's nothing out there, my dear," Professor Umbridge tried to sweet-talk. "Who would want to hurt and injure innocent children like yourselves?" 

"I dunno," Harry answered sarcastically. "Maybe Lord Voldemort."

The tension became more intense. There was plenty of muttering around the classmates. Even Professor Umbridge seemed to be at a loss for words, but only momentarily. Sera knew that she was about to flare up again. 

"Now," said Professor Umbridge softly. "Let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is now at large again. I will tell you this now, that this is a lie." 

"It's not a lie!" Harry insisted. "I saw him, I fought him! I was the first one who told my twin sister, who is in just as much danger as I am, including her friend Dante —" 

"So you assume that Cedric Diggory just fell, flat-dead on his own accord, then? Huh? Is that what you think?" Dante demanded, his voice raised. 

Sera was surprised. She had never heard Dante raise his voice at  a professor before. She knew that, if he had ever raised his own voice at Professor Snape, he would be given a year's worth of detention. Sera wasn't sure which was worse, detention with Professor Snape, or detention with Professor Umbridge. 

"Cedric Diggory's death is a tragic accident, Mr. —"

"Knightley," Dante answered flatly. 

Professor Umbridge's body stiffened. Her smile faltered slightly and she looked absolutely disgusted. 

"You're the Blood Traitor that everyone keeps talking about. Aren't you?" 

Finally, Sera had enough, and she put all of her age on Professor Umbridge. She wanted to slap the Defense Against the Dark Arts in the face so badly, but she refused. 

"Don't you dare call him a Blood Traitor!" she shouted defensively. "Do you have any idea of how offensive that is to him? To me? To his friends?!" 

"Students will not shout at me, Miss Potter. I am your teacher." 

"And you just offended my best friend!" said Sera shrilly. 

"ENOUGH, MISS POTTER!" Professor Umbridge shrieked. At once, Sera went quiet, yet she still didn't regret saying what she said. In a quieter voice, the nasty woman added, "Come see me later, Miss Potter. In my office."

"If you're going to put my sister in detention for defending her friend, you might as well put me in detention, as well," Harry interrupted. 

Everyone gaped at him. Some looked quickly and then glanced away. 

"Fine. You both see me, Mr. and Miss Potter. My office, six o'clock." 

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