Changes In Hogwarts

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Sera came in, feeling guilty for having shouted at her friends the day before. Now that she had the time to recuperate and get her act together, she finally had the guts and apologize 

"Do you ever stop eating?" said Hermione in disbelief. 

"What?" said Ron defensively through a mouthful of food. "I'm hungry." 

Hermione finally caught sight of Sera and put her fork down instantly. "Sera."

"Can I sit with you guys?" she asked, embarrassed. 

"Yes, you —" Hermione began but she was cut off by a shouting noise. 

"Pardon me, Professor. But what exactly are you insinuating?" Professor Umbridge asked in an innocent voice. 

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you confirm to the prescribed disciplinary practices."

"So silly of me. But it sounds as though you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." 

"Not at all, Dolores," Professor McGonagall snapped back. "Merely your medieval methods." 

"I'm so sorry to hear that, my dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry and, by extension, the minister, himself. I am a tolerant woman, Minerva. But the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." 

Professor McGonagall stepped down a step. 

"Disloyalty," said Professor McGonagall faintly. 

Professor Umbridge then turned to the crowd, looking all high and mighty. 

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I've feared. Cornelius would want to take immediate action."

Interrogation amongst the Professors began immediately. Professor Umbridge kept interrupting classes. ut the most amusing interruption was with Professor Snape, who stood there, expressionless and his voice flat, while Professor Umbridge questioned him.

"You first applied for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post. Isn't that correct?" 


"But you were unsuccessful?" 

Professor Umbridge faked a pout. 


Ron snorted with laughter. But once Professor Umbridge was out of sight, Professor Snape whacked him on the back of his head with a Daily Prophet. 

But Divinations was a bit harder. 

"Could you please . . . . predict something for me? One teensy little prophecy?" 

Professor Trelawney only looked confused. "I'm sorry?" 

Sera rolled her eyes. She had hoped that Professor Trelawney would make some sort of prediction. It had worked for her in the past, but the professor did not remember it. 

Finally, another weekend came. Everyone had just received news that Professor Trelawney had been sacked for not teaching a class correctly. Dante hurried up towards Sera. He was one of the very few who did not know about Professor Trelawney being expelled from the school. 

Dante grabbed onto Sera's shoulder, looking confused.

"Sera! What's going on?"

"It's Professor Trelawney," Sera answered, her voice laced with concern.

Sure, she never liked Professor Trelawney. But she had always respected her as a teacher. And yes, she does predict things. But it might not be as often as you might think. Sera had only witnessed Professor Trelawney say a prophecy once, and that was in her third year. And surprisingly, in less than 24 hours, the prophecy came true.

"For eighteen years, I have taught and lives at this school," said Professor Trelawney in a trembling voice. "Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this!"

Professor Umbridge only smirked and held up a signed scroll. "Actually, I can."

And with that, she left Professor Trelawney in a sobbing mess. Professor McGonagall hurried forward, taking the sobbing professor in her arms.

"There, there, dear," she tried to reassure.

"Is there anything else that you would like to say, Professor McGonagall?" Professor Umbridge pretended to simper.

"Oh, there are several things that I would like to say. First of all, how dare you —"

But she was cut off by the front doors swinging open. Everyone whispered amongst themselves, hoping that Professor Dumbledore would put a stop to this madness.

"Professor? Might I ask you to escort Sybill back inside the castle?"

Professor Trelawney's eyes lit up and began to endlessly shake hands with Professor Dumbledore until Professor McGonagall finally managed to escort the Divinations professor back inside.

"Professor. You might remember me telling you that under the Decree Number 84 that —"

"I am aware of your decrees, Professor," Professor Dumbledore interrupted. "You have the right to sack my teachers. However, you are not allowed to expel them from the Hogwarts grounds. That positon resides with the Headmaster."

Professor Umbridge gave him a power-hungry look.

"For now."

Professor Dumbledore looked defeated before turning back towards the inside of the castle.

"Don't you all have studying to do?" He called out.

On cue, everyone started heading back to their common rooms.

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