"I Must Not Stand Up To Blood Traitors"

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"Well? Are you ready?" Sera's brother asked bitterly. 

Sera sighed. No, she wasn't ready. In truth, she was dreading her punishment with Dolores Umbridge. Professor Umbridge did not need to control who she was friends with. 

"No, not really," she admitted. "But I'd rather get this over with, now, rather than later." 

Harry reached his hand out and knocked on the door. 

"Come in," a sugary voice responded. 

Harry regretfully opened the door. Sera was immediately disgusted to see dozens upon dozens of kitty-decorated plates that hung on the walls. She found herself staring a little too long before Professor Umbridge's voice brought her back to reality. 

"You can stare at my pictures later, Miss Potter. But for now, you have to endure your punishment." She gave the fifteen-year-old a fake smile which made her uneasy. Harry began to reach for his own quill, only to be stopped by Professor Umbridge. "No, no. Not your quill. You're going to be using a rather special one of mine." 

She immediately set down two fancy-looking quills in front of the twins. Professor Umbridge got up close to her brother's face, trying to be threatening. 

"Now, Mr. Potter. I want you to write: I must not tell lies."

Harry sighed inwardly, trying to not let it be visible. 

"How many times?" he asked, his voice bored. 

"Let's just say, as many times for the message to sink in."

Sera had no idea what that meant. But she clearly did not like the sound of that. It sent chills up her spine. Professor Umbridge turned to the red-headed girl, giving her the same, fake, simpering smile. 

"As for you, Miss Potter. I want you to write: I must not stand up to Blood Traitors." 

Sera scoffed silently, rolling her eyes. 

"How many times for me?" 

"The same amount as your brother." 

She began to walk away when Harry noticed something that Sera had also noticed. 

"You haven't given me or my sister any ink." 

"Oh, you won't be needing any ink," Professor Umbridge replied. 

Sera was surprised. What did she mean by that? Clearly, it meant nothing good. But she decided to get everything over with and began to write. 

Almost as soon as she had finished the first sentence, a sharp pain came to her hand. She clenched her fists before glancing over at her pained fist. She was horrified when she saw that the same phrase etched on the paper was written in her fist as well. 

She was confused. She and her brother glanced up at each other, horrified. What did she do to deserve this punishment? She's done nothing but defend Dante. She supposed that Professor Umbridge knew of Dante's blood status. Sure, he's a Pure-Blood. But after his parents found out Lord Voldemort's plan and how he kept himself alive for so long, they were furious and his father tried his best to destroy Voldemort, turning their backs on the dark side. They had hoped to raise their son better and not the dark ways they'd been learned to study. 

Professor Umbridge got up in their faces, pretending to look concerned. 


Harry was quiet for a moment. "Nothing."

"That's right. Because you know deep down, you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Mr. and Miss Potter? Go on." 


It was finally the weekend, much to the twin's relief. The duo found themselves working on the mountain of homework that they had received during the week. 

"Honestly, Hermione," said Ron lovingly as he, Hermione, and Dante made their way over towards the twins. "You're the most wonderful person that I've ever met. If I'm ever rude to you again —"

"I'll know that you've gone back to normal," Hermione laughed lightly. 

They sat down on either side of the twins, Dante sitting next to Sera. He frowned when he saw the markings on Sera's hand.

"What's that on your hand?" he asked, concerned.

Sera purposefully showed him her right hand, the one that hadn't been written on.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with it."

"No!" Dante insisted, grabbing Sera's hand. "This hand!" He ran his fingers gently over her marks, immediately looking disgusted. "Sera, you've got to report this!"

"Who will I report it to, Dante?" Sera snapped back, wrenching her hand away from his grip. "There is no need to tell anyone! I'll get expelled if I rat out to another teacher about Professor Unbridged. It's damn impossible!"

"But Dumbledore should know about this," Dante insisted. "Really! It's that simple!"

"No!" Sera ranted. "Dante. Whatever it is, it's not simple. I promise you!"

She stood up and found herself beginning to leave.

"Then help us, too!" Hermione pleaded as Sera continued to take her leave.

She huffed in frustration before exiting the Gryffindor common room. 

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