Ron's Warning

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When Sera found out from Harry that Ron had suddenly abandoned him due to jealousy, she was pissed. And furious. Ron was usually so loyal to Harry. And then he just bailed out on him after he was unexpectedly chosen for the Tri-Wizard Tournament? Sera could not believe it! 

As she made her way out of the Great Hall with Hermione and Ginny, she ignored Ron. The red-headed boy leapt to his feet and followed the three girls out of the Great Hall. Sera continued to ignore him until he unexpectedly grabbed her wrist. 

Her eyes immediately darkened and she scowled at him, trying to wrench her wrist from his grip. 

"What do you want, Ronald?" she spat. 

"Listen. I need to tell you something."

"If you're planning on apologizing to Harry, do it without telling me. I've already had enough of your pathetic behavior!" 

She began to walk away when Ron stopped her. "It's actually about the First Task! Please have a word with me, Sera." 

Sera turned to face him again, her eyes still dark. "If you apologize to my brother for being a stupid idiot, I'll listen to you."

Ron winced. "I will apologize to him, after the First Task. Just trust me, Sera. Please?" 

He had a hopeful look in his eyes that Sera couldn't get mad at. "Fine. What do you want to tell me?"

"Not out here, obviously. I need to tell you in secret." 

Sera sighed reluctantly and followed Ron to the nearest classroom. He closed the door and Sera turned to face him, staring expectantly. 

"Well? What's the First Task?"

Ron inhaled sharply, his face suddenly going pale. "It's dragons, Sera. I helped Charlie bring them over from Romania last night." 

Sera's face immediately went pale. Dragons?! Those were so bloody dangerous!" 

"It wasn't my decision, Sera. But I want you tell Harry."

Sera stared at him in surprise. "Why not you? You're his best friend!"

"We're not on speaking terms at the moment, Sera. Please just do this, for me." 

Sera reluctantly nodded. She didn't want to, but she knew that if Ron didn't do it, he'd have someone else tell him. And it might as well be her, as she's Harry's sister. 

"So what do you want me to say?" Sera hissed anxiously as they walked over towards the Black Lake where Harry and Neville were hanging out. 

"Just tell him that Dean was told by Parvati, and that Parvati was told by Seamus that Hagrid is looking for him."

Sera stared at him, even more confused. "Why Hagrid? Why can't you just tell him yourself?"

"I've asked Hagrid to do this as a favor for me." 

Of course he would. 

"Are you sure you won't do this?" Sera hissed pleadingly as they approached Harry and Neville. 

"Just do it," Ron mumbled, looking scared. 

Sera walked nervously over towards her brother. She caught her brother staring over her shoulder at Ron. 

"Ron wanted me to tell you that Dean was told by Parvati and that Parvati was told by Seamus that Hagrid is looking for you."

Sera began to turn, but her brother suddenly snapped. "Is that right? Well you've — what?"

Sera laughed nervously before going back to Ron. "Are you sure you won't do this?" 

"Just go. You're doing great."

She's absolutely not doing great. She was an absolutely, bloody terrified mess. But she approached her brother again with wide, scared eyes. 

"Dean was told by Parvati that . . . please don't ask me to say this again. Hagrid's looking for you."

She walked away. 

"Well, you can tell Ronald —" Harry began, but Sera whipped back around, her eyes wild and angry. 

"I'M NOT AN OWL!" she shrieked angrily. 

She didn't know what to do. She didn't mean to scold her brother. She was terrified for his life. Doing this tournament was risky for him. Hell, he was only fourteen, for crying out loud! No fourteen-year-old, her brother specifically, should be doing this! Hasn't her brother already been through enough?

Of course, Sera felt bad for yelling at him. Shortly before Harry went to meet Hagrid, Sera met up with her brother to apologize to him. 

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier," she finally apologized. "I didn't mean to, I was just frustrated enough with this entire thing, and scared for you. I hate yelling at my brother. You know that, right?" 

Harry smiled gently at her before pulling his sister into a hug, which caught Sera by surprise. But she sank into her brother's embrace, taking in the moment. She let out a sigh of contempt. 

"I know that you weren't really angry, Sera," he reassured his sister. "Sure, I thought you were for an hour or two. But then it just dawned on me that you were scared and didn't mean it. I forgive you." 

Sera smiled to herself. This was one of her brother's favorite traits. He forgave easily if they forgive him back. 

Somewhere in the Gryffindor common room, the clock struck eleven. She jumped, almost forgetting that her brother had to meet up with Hagrid. 

"You better go. Good luck." 

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