Unexpected Poisoning

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Winter break had ended. Thank goodness, too, as Sera was eager to get back to Hogwarts. Since the Weasley house had burned down, Sera and her brother had agreed that they should spend the rest of Christmas break at Grimmauld Place, the house that Sirius Black had lent to them in his Will. 

In the meanwhile, Sera and her brother caught up with Hermione. Hermione fumed at them, per-usual, when Sera admitted what had happened over the break. Harry stayed quiet throughout most of the conversation, knowing that he wasn't really needed. 

"You're bloody lucky you and your brother didn't get killed! I mean, I know that it's very easy to get to you two, now." 

"They were after Dante, as well, remember?" Sera reminded her. "Voldemort wants him to join his army because he's related to the Malfoys." 

Hermione narrowed her eyes in disbelief. "Is that the only reason why You-Know-Who wants your boyfriend?" 

Sera's cheeks heated up as Hermione called Dante her boyfriend. No, they weren't technically dating just yet. But they had confessed their feelings towards each other — before everything took a wrong turn on Christmas Eve. 

"I highly doubt it," Sera murmured under her breath. In a louder voice, she added, "But we all know Dante, Hermione. He's a powerful wizard. He might not see it just now, but he is." 

"You're right," Hermione hummed in agreement. "Dante is a strong wizard. We all saw how he fought in the Department of Mysteries last spring. But, still! You and your brother have to recognize who you two are!" 

Sera's cheeks heated again. She did not need Hermione to remind her who she was. She knew her own identity perfectly. 

"My brother and I know who we are, Hermione," she said rather stubbornly, without meaning to.

Now it was Hermione's turn to look rather embarrassed. "Right. Sorry." 

"It's alright." Turning to her brother, Sera added, "So, tell me, Harry. What did Mr. Weasley tell you while the two of you were talking in his shed?"

"If Dumbledore is travelling during the holidays, that's huge news to the ministry. And probably a slap-in-the-face to them, as well. But what about this? That night in Borgin & Burkes. Dante's cousin was looking at a Vanishing Cabinet." 

Sera was highly interested. "And what would Draco Malfoy be doing with a Vanishing Cabinet, of all things?" 

Her brother only shrugged. "I don't know, sis. You tell me if you know the answer." 

"Right. Sorry." 

Hermione broke the tension between the two siblings. "He's been looking a bit different, hasn't he? Draco, I mean." 

"What d'you mean?" Sera asked, her interests piquing. 

"Dante doesn't know anything about this?" Hermione asked, surprised.

Sera shook her head. "I've told you — Dante hasn't been in contact with his cousin for a while. They seem to have been avoiding each other all year, which I find rather odd. But I'm sure that he would want to know what's going on with his cousin, if you have any suspicions of your own, Hermione." 

Hermione went quiet. Finally, she spoke. 

"He does look a bit ill, doesn't he? Draco, I mean." 

Harry shrugged. "I mean, who could tell the difference?" 

Sera's eyes literally bulged out of her head. Her mouth hung open in shock. 

"Harry! You can't say that about other students, you know?" 

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