The Locket's Possession

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All five of them gathered around a fallen tree log where the locket rested. Ron rested against the nearest tree, still too weak to do anything that used body weight. Sera, Dante, Hermione, and Harry were going to give it a shot and see if they could destroy the locket by using their wands.

"Dissendium!" Harry demanded. 

The locket bounced back, but still remained untouched. Not a scratch mark stained its surface. 

"Incendio!" Sera suggested, aiming her wand at the locket as well. 

The flames quickly engulfed the locket, but quickly vanished, leaving an untouched locket in their wake. Sera stared, alarmed and dumbfounded. 

"Expulso!" Dante shouted. 

Only the tree stump exploded into fragments, leaving the locket still clean and good as new. 

"Confringo!" Hermione demanded confidently. 

The locket still remained unscorched. Sera continued to stare, dumbfounded. She could not believe that the locket still remained untouched. Sera, Hermione, and Dante all lowered their wands, knowing that they could not get their spells to harm the locket. Or destroy it, to say the least. 

Harry had finally lost his temper. He fired spell, after spell. Nothing happened, but the locket bounced backwards with each spell that hit it. Sera realized that something seemed off with her brother. Before he could move to strike another spell at the locket, she put herself in front of him, getting him to stop. 

She engulfed him into a hesitant hug, not knowing if he'd need it or not. But he finally gave in, immediately comforted by his sister's presence. His anger and frustration subsided, knowing that they could always try destroying the locket another day. 

When things had died down, another noise came to their ears. Sera slowly let go of her brother and turned to face the locket, which shuddered with each pulsing tick that it made. Dante finally spoke, his voice low. 

"It's angry."

"Clearly," Sera tried to joke. 

Hermione visibly shuddered at the sight. Harry stepped forward and knelt down, taking the locket by its chain. Sera stared, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What are you doing, Harry?! That thing tried to possess you!"

Harry shrugged. Sera was just relieved that he no longer had a wild, demented look in his eyes as they had been while he was trying to destroy the locket. 

"Someone's gotta keep it safe until we figure out how to destroy it." 

"I can put it in my bag —" Hermione began to suggest, but Harry cut her off. 


"Seems strange, mate. I mean, Dumbledore sent you off to destroy at least a dozen Horcruxes, yet he doesn't tell you how they should be destroyed," Ron pointed out. 

That evening, everyone tended to their own activities. Ron fiddled with the radio, in hopes to hear something reassuring from the Wizarding World. Hermione sat on the worn armchair, flipping through the book Dumbledore had left to her in his Will. Sera and Dante were playing a casual game of Wizard's Chess. Sera had a hard, concentrated look on her face, which Dante thought looked quite adorable. Harry fiddled with the glass shard in his hands, one that he had kept around for a couple of years. 

Suddenly, Harry gasped, finally forcing Sera's attention away from the game. She caught Hermione's eye. She nodded and stood up. Sera followed suit, abandoning their casual game of chess, coming over to anxiously watch her brother, who twitched. His eyes were squeezed shut. Sera stood in front of him. She frowned, watching her brother in concern. 

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