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I looked at my boss's broad back and then stood up slightly before raising my hand to rub my forehead due to the tingling sensation. It's probably because that cheapskate hit me on the forehead when I poured him the drink into the ice glass.

"Are you OK?"

"I am" ...I responded with a trembling voice. he was trying to hold back the sobbing knot in my chest. For a moment, I thought about leaving this place, but when I remembered P'Phak's tear-stained face, I took a deep breath and bent down to clean the area that had gotten wet because of the evil guy who had thrown the drink on the floor

"Am I really that bad, P'Mix ?" ...

I asked him in a low voice, because I wanted to know. Am I so bad that it had to be this way with me?

"Hey, don't think about it too much. You're much better than I was when I started. That time, the teacher scolded me so much that I even wanted to quit school about ten times a day before I became the famous bartender I am today. A little any more and the same teachers would have almost forced me to resign."

I knew P'Mix was telling me all that to encourage me and it really worked more than expected. I'm not going to give up so easily.

"Something happens?" ...P'Phayu frowned, looking between me and P'Mix, before turning his gaze back to me and asking,

"Why are you wet?"

"I don't know  what up with boss today, but as soon as i served him the drink he threw the glass and ended up getting it wet like this" ...

I responded then P'Phayu  handing me a towel to clean my face.

"Are you going to fire me?"

I'm unable to guess what that guy is planning. I also didn't know when he would stop looking at me by the way he did... When he does, I feel so intimidated and tense that I can't do anything correctly.

"He's usually never like that."

"It's probably like that only with me."

"Don't think about it too much, I'll go talk to him."

P'Phayu patted me on the shoulder before walking away and taking the elevator to the second floor.

...... Another scene.....


I opened the door and entered the bedroom before lying exhausted on the bed. I rubbed my forehead, right in the same place where a bump had already started to appear, before staring at the ceiling in the darkness for a few minutes, then getting up, looking for the towel and heading to the bathroom.

I left the bathroom grumbling, fumbling for the switch until I found it; At that exact moment, the light of the lamp swallowed the darkness in the room. Then I climbed into bed before picking up the phone📱 and dialing the number of the person I missed with all my heart.

📱 [Why are you calling so late?] ...in less than three seconds P'Phak had taken the call.

"Today the store had a customer who asked to use the place to host a party, so I had to stay to help. And you, why haven't you gone to sleep yet, P' Phak ?"

📱 [I was waiting to talk to you. I didn't dare call first because I was afraid of bothering you. How are you doing at work?]

I lied to P'Phak, I told him that my friend's brother opened a restaurant and needed a part-time employee, so he asked me to help him during the semester break.

"The boss is very kind."

📱 [So why does your voice sound like that? Are you sick?]

"No, there were a lot of customers today, I'm just a little tired."

Defeat Tossakan (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now