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A pair of slender legs dressed in luxurious high-heeled shoes stopped in front of us. his beautiful, sharp face under the dim orange light stared at me. The corner of hislip lifted slightly in a beautiful smile before he mouthed a greeting.

"How are you, Plerng?"

"Min Wah" ... 

I pronounced hisname surprised to see hishere but without Anwar's company by his side.

I turned to look at the kitten. He was still and silent, but his bright eyes blinked

"I came back to sort things out for us" …

 He gave me a sly smile before turning to greet the little guy. 

"My name is Min Wah. Rakkun, right? It's nice to meet you." …

he extended a hand in front of him to hold the kitten's hand and greet him. 

I interposed mine to lightly hit hers indicating that he would not allow histo touch what was mine. he shrugged before pushing his hand away from him, his slender fingers brushing back the hair that had fallen over his cheek and placing it over his ear.

"How do you know about Rakkun?" ... 

I looked at his face covered with expensive cosmetics.

Min Wah is not someone who likes to meddle in other people's affairs, and thinking that he was spying on me was even more impossible. My bodyguards are well trained and with their level of skill there is no way Min Wah's people can investigate me or Rakkun. 

The only assumption left was that he had obtained information from Phayu or Rachen.

"How do I know? It doesn't matter. Let's hurry up and settle our matter" ... 

I looked at the little kitten thoughtfully before speaking to him in a low voice.

"Finish your work and then come up to see me in the room."

"But I'll go home" ... 

He clenched his mouth tightly. he seemed to want to say something, but then he fell silent.

"Don't be stubborn with me" ... 

His big round eyes looked at me for a moment before glancing sideways at Min Wah. In the end, he nodded his head instead of saying yes with words.

I watched him until he walked to the back of the bar counter. Then I looked away to look at the beautiful woman in front of me, but with whom I was not on good terms.

"Let's talk in the office" .

 I took Min Wah to the elevator and before the door closed I saw the little guy secretly looking in our direction out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to look him in the eyes, he quickly turned around to smile at a customer as if nothing had happened, but his slightly furrowed eyebrows clearly indicated that he was upset.

I got out of the elevator as soon as the door opened, continued towards the room and pushed the door to enter without thinking about waiting for the person coming behind me.

"I'm back this time to officially give you back your freedom" ... 

The thin lips covered with pink carmine quickly got to the crux of the matter. I don't know if it's because he's afraid I'll kick hisout of the room or if it's because he has something else to do.

"It wasn't necessary" …

 I responded without stopping to think. I regained my freedom the day he took the engagement ring off his slender finger.

Defeat Tossakan (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now