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I put the phone aside and looked down at my hand after hanging up on P'Phak. He wanted me to quit my job and focus only on studying because school would start a new semester soon, so I had to lie to him saying that tomorrow he would resign.

I don't know how long I can lie to him. If he finds out, he will definitely be very angry with me. Will I be able to ask P'Fah to help me or not at that time? I don't know.

I looked at the crescent moon through my bedroom window. Without realizing it, my mind wandered and I ended up thinking about the person who likes to make a mean face and find ways to make fun of me every day.

The bad guy hasn't come to break into my house for several days, and I haven't seen him around the club. But that's a good thing because every time I'm around him, my heart beats so hard my chest hurts. Isn't this a sign that people hate each other a lot? Therefore, you shouldn't even think about it.

During this time it rains more frequently and I don't like the rainy season at all because it makes me think of P'Phak. Usually, when it rains, we lie down and hug each other and then go to sleep together until the morning.

I stopped paying attention to the moon and went to sleep. I pulled the blanket and hugged her before closing my eyes, but then I had to open them in the dark when I heard the sound of a big fall on the ground floor of the house.

I suddenly sat up and turned around with my heart racing because I didn't know what was causing the sound.

I got out of bed and slowly opened the bedroom door before going down the stairs, not without forgetting to hold the broomstick in my hand. I gripped the broom tightly and went down the steps one at a time slowly.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw a shadow leaning over the couch in front of the TV.

I raised the broomstick over my arm and hit the thief's head with all my might before hearing a cry of ' Ouch! '. I was surprised when the broom handle was easily snatched from my hands.

"Let me go, you bastard ." ...

I reached out to grab the broom again, but the thief threw it to the ground and grabbed my shoulders before getting up and throwing me onto the couch. After that, a piercing and fierce voice spoke.

"Do you want to kill me? " ...

I frowned when the bandit's voice sounded familiar, as if I had heard it before somewhere.

I opened my brown eyes wide  and raised my hand to feel the face of the person above me before saying with a trembling voice.


"Do you see my head like a tennis ball or something? It hurts a lot.

"Well, I thought you were a thief. Who told you to break into someone else's house at this time of night? " ...

I covered my mouth even though I knew he couldn't see.

The giant got off of me and immediately the lights in the room came on, I had to blink a couple of times to adjust to the light. A small trickle of blood flowed from his forehead. I was so surprised that I didn't think that hitting him would make his head break, I thought I had hit him lightly, why is his head so fragile? I thought his head would be as hard as his face .

"You've broken my head, how will you take responsibility? "

... he asked with a grumpy voice and a frustrated expression.

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