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I carried the little kitten back to the bedroom and gently laid it on the bed after having cleaned its body and examined the traces of the damage I had caused to it.

His nice ass is swollen and bruised but not torn and that relieved my anxiety a little for some reason. I moved to reach the tube of medicine that was in the drawer.

Rachel had bought it and put it in my room for fear that one day I would accidentally bully the little one.

I didn't imagine that in the end he would end up using it but for another 'area of ​​the body'.

I applied the medicine to him and then put some small underwear over his beautiful and slender legs and pulled the blanket that had fallen to the ground due to the fierce battle earlier and covered him.

"Postpone all my appointments tomorrow."

📱 [Are you calling me to order work at four in the morning?] ...

Rachen whimpered in a sleepy voice.

I was afraid that the little one would wake up sick tomorrow, so I didn't want to leave him alone. he didn't know if when he woke up he would remember everything that happened.

I knew he was drunk enough to provoke me with his eyes like that. But a completely sober person like me couldn't control his emotions.

"I'll give you a bonus for three months."

📱 [Understood, boss. Tomorrow, please rest as much as possible] ...

I shook my head before hanging up and hugging the sleeping little person. In case she wakes up tomorrow, I can be sure that he won't run away


I was startled when I felt the warmth of the little one's skin on my embrace. The boy shuddered before opening his big round eyes to look at me. He blinked several times before closing them and opening them again. I could only laugh from the bottom of my heart. Ignoring his strange appearance, I placed a hand on his forehead to take his temperature.

"Are you... Fell unwell? " ...

I think my tone of voice was not too harsh and that I had apparently used a fairly soft tone because the little guy blinked and reached out to touch my forehead with a bewildered expression.

"Are you sick? " ...

His voice sounded so hoarse and harsh that I even felt sorry for him.

"I... 'Phi' is fine. You're the one who doesn't feel well."

"You must be very sick. " ... He sounded uncomfortable.

"Why do you think I'm sick?"

"You refer to yourself as 'Phi' and you're talking to me like this. " ...

I chuckled  before reaching out to squeeze the tip of his nose that's as soft as a kitten's.

"Can't I say something nice to my own wife? " ...

The little guy blushed, his little mouth opened to say in a low voice.

"I'm not your wife."

"We did it several times last night, don't you remember?"


"If you don't remember, I can repeat it."

"uh, I remember. " ...

The boy used his small hand to push my face away, as he refused to let me kiss him to remind him of what happened. I laughed before withdrawing my face and looked at the little boy who continued to withdraw his head and avoid my gaze.

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