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"Let's go to Rakkun's house" 

I said to the bodyguards who were standing on both sides of the car doors taking care of security.

"Yes Boss" . The other party bowed his head at me and then opened the door for me to sit in the car.

I picked up a luxury Swiss wristwatch to check the time, I don't know if it's already late at night, and if the know-it-all boy is asleep or not. He might still have a slight fever, and be tired. Even if I trust Yak to take care of it, it's better for me to see it with my own eyes.

-Rrrrr... Rrrrr-

I took the phone from my pants pocket and pressed to answer, I frowned when I saw the name of the caller.

"What about Rakkun?"

📱 [Someone is standing ringing the doorbell in front of Master Rakkun's house]  

Yak informed me of the situation when the car entered the alley.

" from Siwa?"

📱 [No, boss. It seems that he is an acquaintance of the boy.]

"Just keep an eye on him , I'm on my way."

📱 [Yes boss.]

"Park the car outside, don't come in yet" 

I ordered the bodyguards to stop the car when I saw the owner of the house open the door wide with a smile plastered on his face.

I watched the grumpy boy happily jump up to hug the newly arrived tall man, before the two entered the house.

I clenched my jaw, feeling like a cat had stolen my grilled fish.

"Let's go back to the penthouse "

I ordered the bodyguards, my voice was high-pitched, inside I was impatient, I felt like I was burning.

I don't feel anything for that boy. I just don't like other people grabbing my stuff.

I pressed the key card on the elevator control panel and watched the number as it went up until it stopped on the 60th floor, a floor with only two residential rooms.

"Go and investigate that man for me."

"Yes, boss "

I told the bodyguard before pressing the access code to the six hundred square meter penthouse. I walked towards the bedroom on the second floor before heading to the closet to pack my luggage.

Tomorrow I have to travel to Singapore for some important business. I prepared well and studied the information from that side, so I was not too worried about the result.

because no matter what, that side already signed a contract with TRK, but I had to do everything carefully so that there was not even the slightest mistake. Siwa had contacted Mr. Roger Wang several times to negotiate with him, but had only gotten a refusal from him.

Siwa's company is in a financial crisis due to poor management and therefore wants to partner with TRK to restore its lost reputation.

I know Siwa's habits so I don't want to have a poisonous snake near me, because even my mother, who was his younger sister, had been betrayed to almost death.

I have no relationship with that part since my grandfather passed away and my mother left the family to start his own company at the age of twenty-four.

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