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I carried the little man to sleep in the room because he had been bullied and his body had not yet recovered from the fever, so he fell asleep with his neck twisted. I looked at the side of his face that had saliva stuck to the pillow and then he made a noise in his throat. I then used a clean, damp cloth to clean his body before taking a gel pad to reduce the fever he had and placing it on his soft, pale forehead. When I finished I closed the door and went down the stairs.

"Take good care of Rakkun. If anyone approaches him, you know what to do. You don't have to wait for my order."

"Yes, boss" ...

I instructed the bodyguards before getting into the car and driving directly to TRK, a large drinking water producing company with a business value of fifty billion baht.

I entered the office to read the summary of the meeting minutes report that the undersecretary placed on the table until the short hand of the clock pointed to the number six. I closed the black folder, got up from the chair and pressed the elevator to the ground floor.

"Go home" ...

I told the bodyguards of Team B who came to take care of my safety instead of Yak and Toh.

At first, I had intended to stop by to see the well-spoken boy, but then I thought better of it and considered it more appropriate to be away from him. When that boy challenges me with his loose mouth, I want to pull him, kiss him  and teach him to behave.

Being around him, my head tends to unconsciously express my inner desires.

"Yes, boss" ...

I got into the car and read the business news on my iPad before raising my head to answer the bodyguard's question.

"Can I take care of that, boss?"

"As you wish" ...

The bodyguard took out the gunhidden behind him, ready to shoot. He only needed one order from me and he would be ready to pull the trigger immediately.

I knew since I left the company that the Siwa people were watching me, but I didn't care because I knew that they still wouldn't dare to deal with me at this time. It's an annoying insect, so when I lose patience I'll buy insecticide and kill it.

I got out of the car and entered a large house before stopping in front of one of the bedrooms. I raised my hand and knocked on the door before turning the knob and pushing it. The door opened and I looked inside.

There I could see the fragile back of a woman who was sitting absentmindedly on the couch before calling her softly.


"Brother Plerng"

Phra Phai turned to look at me with a wide smile, only this one was so sad that it surprised me.

"What are you doing?"

"I just finished talking to Natee . P'Plerng , are you hungry  ?" ...

Phai put a glass of milk on the table as I shook my head, then extended my thick hand to gently stroke her hair.

"Tomorrow I have to go see an event in Singapore. Phai, do you want something in particular?"

"I don't want anything. You can buy whatever you want. I'm sure I'll like it." ...

After hearing my sister, I approached her to hug her and gently rub his thin back.

" P'Plerng ."

" Hm ?"

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