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"Mix, hasn't Rakkun arrived yet ?" ...

I asked, because I couldn't help but be surprised when I entered the club and didn't see the smart boy as usual.

" Not yet. I called but no one answered"...

I frowned  upon hearing the response. How could a person disappear without anyone knowing?

I turned around and walked out of the store straight to the car parked in the VIP area.

"Drive to Rakkun 's house "...

I told the bodyguards before looking at the time on my watch. It was already 9 at night, but the boy had left work without having notified anyone. I instantly thought about how he had left it lying in the middle of the highway yesterday, so I just hope nothing serious happened to it.

It's here, boss" ... I looked at the two-story white house that was completely dark and furrowed my eyebrows.

I opened the door and got out of the car before looking around. I then removed the loose padlock attached to the fence and pushed the door before raising my hand to ring the doorbell

. I stood there and waited for almost five minutes, but even after that time there was no movement of people in the house.

" Open the door"...

I turned to the bodyguards. They looked at the door and then turned to look at me with a perplexed expression.

" But it's closed, boss. "

"If it wasn't closed, why would I ask you to open it?"...

I looked at one of my subordinates with a gloomy face. He raised his hand and scratched his head before speaking to me in a low voice.

" Boss, are you telling me you're breaking into the house? "

"Yes, or are you going to kick the door down?" ...

How hard it is to understand? Or am I educating my subordinates too gently so that your brains cannot function fully?

" Won't you look like a thief, boss? "

"If you don't stop asking questions, I will reduce your salary. "

"It's done, boss" ...

After the phrase ' I will reduce your salary' left my mouth, the door opened with such ease as if my subordinate's former profession had been that of a house burglar.

" Damn Yak. Are you that scared that I'm going to cut your salary?"

"Well, I have a mother to take care of, you know?" ...

upon hearing the answer I shook my head and opened the door.

The inside of the house was dark as if no one was there. I went up the stairs until I found the door to a room. Without hesitation, I opened the door and found the owner of the house sleeping in the big bed. I approached him and called his name several times, but got no response.

I reached over and turned on the light at the head of the bed. The darkness was replaced by a faint white light. I withdrew my gaze and turned to see the smart boy again. Now that the room was lit, I could see he had beads of sweat on his face despite the cool air in the room. I sat on the edge of the bed before reaching out to touch his forehead.

Then I walked to the closet and looked for a small towel for a few minutes. After finding it, I went to the bathroom and returned to the room with the damp and wrung towel.

Defeat Tossakan (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now