-Chapter 11-

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Jacobs P.O.V

After Kat left for the night I layed on my bed thinking about what Prod had said to me the day before, he had to have know something to just come out of the blue like that. I slammed my hands on my face realizing he might be talking about me pushing him back at training. How in the hell did he know?? I rushed and put on my jordans and jean jacket then headed straight to his room. It was 12 and he might've been asleep but that didn't stop me from banging on his door.

"Yo, what the hell are doin banging on my door!?" He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I pushed him inside then slammed the door behind me

"What's all this break up with Kat bullshit you're talking about!?" I said furiously

"I knew I would get to your head" He replied laughing "It's simple, you break up with Kat and I don't tell everybody you pushed me off the stage."

I was mentally stressing over the fact that he could tell everybody and make my life a living hell.

"Wait, What makes you think they'll believe you over me?" I asked smirking. I saw him fidget asking himself the same question in his head, he was stuck. "Everybody already knows you'd make up anything to get me and Kat to break up."

"See that's where you're wrong, my boys would believe me over you any day." He shot back

"You've got a point, but Kat most definitely won't believe you! She knows for a fact you would lie just to make me look bad. Just let it go dude, she doesn't like you anymore!"

"That's what you think." He mumbled

"What did you say?" I said raising my eyebrow

"Look, you may think she doesn't love me anymore but she knows me well enough to know when I'm lying or not!" He shouted "You got 1 day left buddy boy, you better make the right decision." With that he pushed me out of his room and slammed the door behind me.

"Psh, Kat wouldn't believe him over me...right?" I said to myself under my breath. I shook my head then continued to my room to think more about the situation.. I might actually have to break up with her to save my ass.


Kats P.O.V

Jacob was right, Philly was crazy! They gave me so much love on stage tonight this was by far the best concert on tour so far. The girls wanted to stay and watch the boys preform so I just went on my bus and took a shower, I already saw my bae preform. Honestly this relationship is starting to get played out, we don't have anything exciting going on anymore. He doesn't even take me out on dates, even though I hate the awkwardness of them I still expect to be asked on them. I understand we're busy with tour and everything but Prod always had time for me. Unless Jacob steps up his game it's gonna be a wrap, the only reason I'm letting this relationship go this far is because I feel bad. Sometimes I think I'm to hard on people and I need to give them a chance, If I gave Prod a chance I definitely need to give Jacob one. And who knows he might be planning a surprise for me later on, he did say he wanted to talk.

I got out of the shower, dried off then got in my XOgang crewneck,black leggings and tied my hair up in a suprisingly cute messy bun. I sprayed on my hollister perfume then sat on the front couch and watched my favorite show Martin waiting for the girls to get on the bus so we could go to the next city. After what seemed like 45 minutes someone came knocking on the door, obviously being the girls

"Finally, I'm ready to g- Oh hey Jay." I said opening the door realizing it was Jacob

"Hey.." He replied with his voice trailing off as he came in

"What's wrong?"

"Uh.. I don't think... Ummm.. Maybe we should.."

"Spit it out!"

"I think we should break up.." He said staring at the floor with his hands in his pockets

"Oh, why??" I asked furrowing my eyebrows thinking in my head If anything I should be breaking up with him!!

"I just... think it's best."

"Ok...well uh." I started to say, but didn't know how to finish it in this situation

"Still friends, right?"

"Always." I replied with a fake but believable smile

"K, well Goodnight.." He said giving me a hug

"Goodnight" I said closing the door behind him. I plopped on the couch and let out a huge sigh.. I was somewhat relieved cause I kinda wanted him to break up with me but mad cause I'm a good ass girlfriend!! Why would he want to break up with me "I just think it's right" doesn't answer my fucking question! Marie and Imani walked in talking about the boys concert and noticed I had a confused yet mad look on my face

"What's wrong?" Mani asked

"Jacob just broke up with me out of the blue.."

"Wait why??" Marie asked

"Shit, that's what I want to know.." I replied shaking my head saying goodnight to the girls then going to bed messing with my phone, posting random tweets and talking to my fans until I got a text from Prod. He was definitely someone I wanted to talk to right now, I smiled then text back.

Text Convo:

MoonWalker: Good preformance tonight, I could tell you was feelin Philly!! 😆

Kit-Kat: Lol thanks and fa sho!! Would've stayed around for y'all but I was sweaty, had to take a shower 😬haha

MoonWalker: Lol, I feel it. Wyd?

Kit-Kat: Layin down and on twitter messing with people 😕 wbu

MoonWalker: Lol you better leave yo fans alone! And same, layin down.. why the 😕 face?

Kit-Kat: Jacob just broke up with me... but that might be music to your ears lmao

MoonWalker: You know it is, but are you ok.?

Kit-Kat: I'm fine, just wondering why he did it..

MoonWalker: No idea...

Kit-Kat: Did u tell the fam I said Hi?

MoonWalker: Yeah. They said they miss you

Kit-Kat: 😢

MoonWalker: Sorry... you should have came haha ma made her fried chicken 😏 and what did he want anyway??

Kit-Kat: Ugh don't rub it in lol!! And get ready for this.. all he wanted was a kiss! I could have socked him in his jaw when he did that

MoonWalker: Lol you should've 😐

Kit-Kat: Haha I bet you would like that!! I'm honestly kinda glad he broke up with me though...

MoonWalker: Why?

Kit-Kat: Idk it kinda felt like I was on a ball and chain with him

MoonWalker: Truu, we couldn't even hangout

Kit-Kat: Yeah, well now we can! 😝

MoonWalker: How about tomorrow we go somewhere??

Kit-Kat: Cool, where at??

MoonWalker: Idk, just be ready after the concert tomorrow.. I got it from there

Kit-Kat: Lol. alright, see you tomorrow Goodnight ☺️

MoonWalker: Goodnight

I definitely have something to look forward to tomorrow...

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