-Chapter 12-

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Prods P.O.V

I threw on my black skinnies a white tee and topped it off with my leather jacket. I already made me and Kat's plans for today, first we were going to dinner at Riki's Sashimi which was hell trying to get reservations at! Then we're going to the fair

Knock Knock

I looked up at my door confused as to who would be knocking on it, I told Kat I would get her from her room. I shrugged, pulled on my timbs, then walked to the door to answer it

"Surprise!!!" I heard before being ambushed with a hug, I pulled back to see who it was and was shocked to see Shay. "You must've known I was coming, I see you all dressed up!" she said tugging on my jacket

"Uh yeah... what are you doing here??" I asked a little annoyed

"I came to surprise you babe I miss you! And I thought you would miss me too.." She replied. The last time I saw her I called her Kat while we were having sex... I thought we were done. She was just a hit and quit!

"Uhh Shay, not to be rude but.. I kinda have to go."

"Well nice to see you too!?" She said rolling her eyes "Can you show your girlfriend a little love??"

"Girlfriend?? Look, I think it would just be best if you go home. I have to go.." I said leading her outside and closing the door behind us.

"Really Prod?? That's how it is!?" She shouted at me while I was walking away. I turned around and shrugged then continued to Kats room. Shay was the last person I wanted to see at this point, Kat's just now starting to trust me again I can't have her coming around ruining that! I just want my past to be my past is that so much to ask??


The waiter lead us to a booth in the back far from the windows filled with paparazzi. This time I didn't mind them, I wanted everyone especially Jacob to know I'm getting my girl back.

"You look good" I blurted out as we sat down. Translation DAT ASS!!

"Thanks, you look good too" She replied with a smile. She wore a Aztec print crop top with high waisted skinny jeans that made her ass like wow and some timbs. "We kinda match" She added while laughing and looking through the menu. I nodded my head in agreeance then looked through the menu as well.

"Hi I'm Tim I'll be your waiter tonight, are you guys ready to order?" He said in a jolly voice

"Yeah, can I have the Tiger roll?" I said looking up at him then at Kat who seemed unsure of her decision

"Ok and for you?" Tim asked

"Oh, um I'll have the Spider roll" She answered with a smile

"Alright, I'll be right back with your miso soup to start you guys off." He said taking our menus and walking off. Everything was going well so far, all I need is a topic to start the conversation with. I hate when it gets awkward and silent

"So, how's touring with the girls?" I asked looking at her play with her pants

"Fun" She replied looking up with a smile "They are crazy!" Tim came up to the table and dropped off our soup and water then left

"I've never had miso soup.." I said looking down at it with confusion "Where's the spoon?" Kat broke out laughing at me

"You don't eat it with a spoon, you drink it from the bowl"

"Ugh, why does it look foggy??" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"Scoot over fool" She said sitting on my side of the booth with me, and pulling my soup by her. She grabbed the soy sauce and poured a little in then scooped a pinch of wasabi on her chopsticks and started to put in in the bowl

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