-Chapter 13-

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Shays P.O.V

After he walked away I just stood there with my jaw to the floor. This nigga think he can just kick me to the curve like another groupie? Fuck that! I got in the elevator fuming with rage, when the elevator door opened I stormed torwards the lobby door to leave until I felt someone grab my arm. I was ready to turn around and swing until I realized who it was

"What's wrong shawty?" Jacob asked "Hey... don't I know you."

"Nothing's wrong and yeah you know me, I'm Shay.. Prods ex." I replied sounding sinister when I said Prodigys name

"Why you say it like that?" He asked with a chuckle

"Cause I fuckin hate him!"

"Join the club"

"You too?" I asked, he just shook his head "What happened?"

"Long story, let's take a walk.." He said smirking


We ended up in his room after walking around the streets of Connecticut, he was right it was a long story. He told me everything starting from training to now, it just made me hate Prod even more. Jacob was wrong for pushing him but at this point I don't care, he probably deserved it.

"I just wish I could retaliate some how!" I shouted flopping down on his bed

"I'm down if you are" He said messing with the remote

"But how..?" I asked

"I may have a few tricks down my sleeve." He replied with a evil smirk

Prods P.O.V

I pushed her against the wall with our lips still moving in sync and reached my hands up her shirt, she trembled a little before stopping the kiss.

"That wasn't in the deal." She whispered on my lips while moving my hands off then laughing. I smiled, bit my lip, then threw my head back.

"That's cold." I replied laughing.

"And what's even colder is, I'm kicking you out now." She said followed by a laugh. "I had fun and all but I have to get some sleep for the concert tomorrow!"

"You're really kicking me out with my hormones going crazy?"

"Sorry.." She said while pushing me out the door "Thanks for tonight!" 

"No problem, when we gonna do it again?" I asked with a smirk leaning on her door hinge

"Haha, I don't know text me later."

"Aight, Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" She replied waving and closing the door.

So far things were going great and I don't need anybody fuckin' it up neither, but at this point I'm untouchable with Jacob out of my way. I didn't want things to end up this way but I'd push down any wall between me and Kat.

I finally made it to my room and hopped in the shower then changed into some pajama pants and layed out on my bed trying to find something decent to watch at twelve in the morning. After 30 minutes of searching down the TV guide and only seeing news and gospel channels I turned it off along with the light then stared up at the ceiling going in to deep thought as usual until I was interrupted by a loud knock on my door. I clashed my eyebrows in confusion then got up and headed torwards the door. I opened the door to a surprise of nobody there

"It's too damn late to be fuckin around playin doorbell ditch!" I mumbled to myself as I looked left to right for the culprit. I finally gave up until I noticed something white laying directly under me. I picked it up, looked around some more, then closed the door. I smiled at it thinking it was some type of fan mail, strangely enough I would've been fine with the fan just wanting to talk at 12:35 in the morning. I turned on the light then sat on my bed opening the envelope and took out the letter, it read:

3 can play at this game... Sweet dreams Craig.

"What the hell?"

Don't be a ghost reader please!! Vote every chapter or something.. it doesn't take any type of work!! -__________-  Let me know your reading! Love you guys v.v

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