Chapter 10: The Midnight Visit

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Renegade (Taylor Swift) -

I tapped on your window on your darkest night,

The shape you was jagged and weak,

There was nowhere to stay, but I stayed anyway.

And you fire off missiles 'cause you hate yourself,

But do you know you're demolishing me?


May 7th 1975

Travers Manor

1:28 AM

Katherine woke up to the uncomfortable feeling of sleeping on a wicker outdoor day bed, the material leaving marks on her arms and legs.

Groaning, Katherine glanced around the patio seeing a few Kids still littered among the garden, whispering or sleeping but most were gone, along with their parents.

Standing up, Kate stretched her arms yawning dazedly. Deciding to go inside to escape the cold Katherine noticed that the distant chatter that had once filled her ears had gone, leaving silence in the ballroom that house elves were hurrying to clean up.

Ascending the staircase she had gone down just hours before Katherine searched for her room, hoping to find her comfy bed where she could finish her sleep for the night.

As she made her way through the halls Katherine passed her father's study, noticing the frantic, angry voices inside. Peering through the oak door she was surprised to see her parents, frowns etched on their faces as her father slammed his fist on his desk.

Moving the door open Katherine stepped forward frowning and glancing between her parents, "is something wrong?" she asked curiously.

If her father looked mad before now he seemed downright murderous as his eyes caught Katherine, his fists curling at the sight of his daughter.

"Yes" he said through gritted teeth, "You told people about your training" Polonius seethed, standing rigidly.

Blinking rapidly Katherine looked at her mother who was staring at her shoes silently, "I wasn't meant too?" she asked her voice quivering.

Neither of her parents responded, the silence was more telling than anything.

"Eileithyia, leave us" Polonius ordered, looking at Katherine was his nose turned up in disgust, "its time I taught katherina some lessons".

The older woman nodded, leaving the room silently, not daring to look at her daughter who was shaking in fear as her father approached her.

"Do you know what my biggest mistake was?" Polonius asked, loosening his tie.

Katherine shook her head in response, watching as his large hands undid the loop around his neck.

"it was staying with your brain-dead mother after the doctor told us she was infertile" he said simply, "and then staying with her when she had you".

Katherine stayed silent, her head bowed to the ground as her father spat the words at her.

"I had many a opportunity to leave, but when she got pregnant I was excited, I would have an heir... I would have a son".

Kate had heard the speech many times before, she was supposed to be a miracle baby boy, the savior of the Travers bloodline.

"instead, I got left with a daughter, who resembled her mother far too much, a brain-dead, useless whore who I was stuck with" Her father was leaning over Katherine now, even her heels couldn't make her tall enough to stand eye level with him, couldn't make her confident enough in this moment to look at his face.

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