Chapter 11: The Hogwarts Express

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Sad Beautiful Tragic (Taylor Swift)  -

Distance, timing,

Breakdown, fighting,

silence, the train runs off its tracks


May 12th 1975

Platform 9 ¾

10:45 AM

When the travers arrived at Platform 9 ¾, Katherine found that people, whether old or young, pureblood or muggle-born, would swerve out of her way. It seemed that the stony glare that the young girl had inherited from her intimidating father was enough to encourage anyone to move out of her path, at least so she thought.

The truth was that those people were not intimidated, they weren't admiring her regal elegance but they were terrified. Word had spread that Katherine wasn't as bubbly, she wasn't as sweet as she once was.

"Katherina" Her mother called through pursed lips, "Straighten your back".

Nodding Katherine pushed her shoulders back, raising her chin ever so slightly which made a passing child burst into tears.

Scoffing slightly, Eileithyia continued moving forward, nearing the end of the large scarlet train, Katherine followed, glancing around at the other students.

Stopping abruptly, Eileithyia turned to her daughter, looking her up and down, "I assume you'll change on the train?" she criticized, looking at Katherines black pencil skirt with disdain.

Katherine had picked out her outfit carefully, hoping desperatley to please her parents, thats why she chose her dark green scarf and twisted a green ribbon in a neat bow at the back of her ponytail, as if she knew anything about her mother, it was that she loved green. after all, it was the colour of prosperity, and the colour of Slytherin which was incredibly important to the older woman.

Nodding submissively Katherine grabbed her trunk off the house elf that was following her closely, "Yes Mother".

"Good, and remember," Eileithyia said strictly.

Katherine nodded, her face void of any emotion, "yes Mother, Slytherin".

Smiling triumphantly, Eileithyia glanced around at the other families surrounding them, "And remember to surround yourself with good people, not like last time".

Katherines head was hurting from all the nodding she was doing, but she found herself breathless, unable to hold a conversation, the remnants of her injuries still prominent even after the days she had spent healing herself.

"Well, goodbye then" her mother said swiftly, before apparating away without so much as a hug.

Looking around Katherine felt like a lost puppy, no one willing to help her due to their fear of the girl.

Dragging her trunk, Katherine walked closer towards the large train, finding a door to step through.

Once she had made her way into the thin hallways Katherine was struck with a sense of nostalgia, she still remembered the black velvet accents that adorned the wooden walls, glass doors splitting up each compartment carefully.

Opening a door to her left Katherine was surprised to see that it was so far empty, pushing her trunk onto one of the racks above her, Kate sat down on the plush seats, observing the room carefully.

Grazing her hand carefully over the wooden wall, Katherine noticed dents in the light colour, where someone had pressed a knife or sharp object against the blank slate.

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