Chapter 13: the precognitive dream

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Happiness (taylor swift)

Tell me when did your winning smile,

begin to look like a smirk?

When did all our lessons,

begin to look like weapons,

pointed at my deepest hurt?


May 15th 1975


12:30 AM

Hogwarts loomed over Katherine's small figure as she stood in the courtyard, twiddling her wand between her fingers nervously, glancing at the boys standing in front of her.

Rabastan Lestrange laughed mockingly from where he was standing next to her, pointing towards a small redhead, who was scrambling on the floor trying to recover some papers she had dropped.

"look at the filthy Ravenclaw" he sneered, making Theodore Nott look at the girl, "you would think she would have enough brains to use magic for that!".

Katherine couldn't deny that most Witches and Wizards would've thought of that, but still, it seemed an odd thing for Rastaban to laugh at.

Theodore chuckled, "It's the mud bloods, they don't think like us".

Katherine watched as the boys mocked the young girl, smiling at a few of the jokes they made trying her best to fit in, "I'm surprised a girl like her could make it to Ravenclaw" she said smirking.

Theodore nodded at Katherine, excited that she was joining in "shall we go say hello?".

Most of the group nodded eagerly but Regulus stayed back, pulling at Katherine's sleeve, "what are you doing?" he asked, whispering quickly.

Katherine shrugged, "it's a bit of fun Reg, she won't get hurt" the blonde assured him, hoping that she was correct.

Regulus shook his head, "I thought you were against this?" he questioned, glaring at her angrily. 

swallowing tightly Katherine twisted an earing around in her helix, "I was Reg, but my parents made some uh... persuasive arguments as to why they are below us".

"Persuasive huh?" he said rolling his eyes, "didnt know you listened to whatever crap they had to say".

Katherine pushed his hand off of where it was laying on her sleeve, "whatever, believe what you want" she said, walking back towards the group, leaving Regulus there looking rather crestfallen.

When Katherine approached the group she saw that the girl was already shaking in fright, Rastaban holding up her papers, rifling through them.

as Kate watched the scene she was struck with an overwhelming sense of deja vu, but shaking it off, she moved next to Lucius smiling as they talked to the small red-head.

"What's this?" Rabastan asked looking at the paper, "Magical creatures?".

The little girl nodded.

"What is your favourite creature to learn about? huh mudblood?" he teased.

The girl trembled a bit, "I.. I like to learn about werewolves".

Katherine felt a pang of guilt in her chest, thinking about Addie, glancing at the girl she saw her eyes well up with tears.

"Werewolves?" Lestrange scoffed, "One filthy animal researching another how precious!".

Katherine forced a smile on her face, pushing Lucius out of the way to get closer to the action, "after all" she taunted, "mud bloods are attracted to all things dirty".

a small tear fell down the trembling girls cheek as she shrunk in front of the taller boys.

"aw! shes crying!" Lestrange called out glancing to see what Katherine would say.

She just smiled wickedly, but really she felt for the girl, her instincts where telling her to comfort her but she had her mothers voice screaming in her head.

"how terri-!" Katherine was cut off by somebody calling out her name.

"Katherine?!" Lily yelled in disbelief running over to the crying girl, "what the hell?!".

Katherine watched dumbfounded as Lily comforted the crying girl, holding her close and wiping her tears away.

"what do you want Evans?" Lestrange sneered, "comforting the poor little bitch?".

Lily ignored the boy instead turning around to look at Katherine, "what the hell happened to you?".

Katherine looked nervously at the Slytherins surrounding her, "nothing, I just learnt not to stick up for useless mudbloods".

you could see the smoke coming out of Lily's ears, "filthy mudbloods like me?" she snarled.

Katherine let out a nervous laugh her mouth going a mile a minute leaving no space for a brain in this conversation, "sure, although im sure you atleast know how to use your wand unlike this one here".

Lily frowned fishing her wand out of her pocket, "shes a first year!" she defended gripping her wand tightly.

"so?" Katherine laughed.

"so what are you lot doing picking on a first year? its pathetic! honestly have some class".

Theodore laughed lowly, "thats rich coming from a dirty mudblood".

Lily reached her wand up only to be met with Katherines ready wand, pointing at the little girl.

"you stun me I stun her" she countered surprising herself.

Lily glanced nervously at the little girl who was frozen in fright.

"checkmate" Katherine grinned, raising an eyebrow.

a feminine voice was heard behind her, "I think I should be saying that" Marlene growled before stunning Katherine in the back.


Katherine woke up in the hospital wing that night, Regulus sitting on the bed next to her a frown on his face.

"Your a bit of a bitch y'know?" he said, no trace of sympathy in his voice.

Katherine nodded, sitting up straighter, "I guess I deserve that".

rolling his eyes, Reg nodded, "yeah, you do".

reaching her hands behind her back Katherine fixed her green ribbon, tightening it carefully so as to not ruin the intricate braid she had done.

"what even came over you? calling Evans a mud blood?".

Kate shrugged, sighing loudly, "I dont know, I just started blurting words out" she true gravity of the way she had acted was starting to hit her. she had just gotten sorted, what sort of impression would this leave?

"Everyone's terrified of you now" Regulus supplied as if reading her mind, "I heard a hufflepuff call you the Pure-blood Princess at dinner".

Katherine groaned, pulling the sheets off her and getting out of the hospital bed, "so everyone hates me?".

The boy shook his head, "not everyone, just most muggle-borns, and the Gryffindors... and the half-bloods".


Regulus shrugged, "but the pure-bloods love you, Rabastan was raving about how you called Lily out".

"bloody brilliant isnt that?" She said sarcastically making Regulus smile sympathetically.

"poor guy is bloody whipped".

Kate snorted, "poor guy? hes a sexist bitch". 

nodding Regulus stood up, "yeah, but your a pretentious bitch too".

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