Chapter 14: The Maraurders?

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Oh brother (John Floreani) -

they say blood is thicker than water

and i tried everything i know,

to learn to let you go,


May 20th 1975

Hogwarts Library

11:26 AM

Katherine found the start of term was already flying but in a flurry of OWL preparations and final assessments.

Although at Beauxbatons they didn't take OWL's until 6th year she found she knew most of the material and was mostly revising what she couldnt remember.

In fact she had been revising a lot latley.

as it turns out most of the Pure-bloods were as boring as they were bitter and couldn't hold a good conversation to save their lives. it had gotten especially bad now that Rabastan had started hanging around her, inviting her to join in on their sometimes cruel outings.

on that particular day they had gone to torment some students down at the Black Lake but Katherine had told them that she had to study, a standby she had used many times before to avoid their unwanted company.

sitting in the corner of the library, a book propped up by her knees Kate was interrupted by a familiar voice in the aisle over. 

peering in between the thick books Katherine could clearly see Regulus's flushed face as he talked angrily to someone that Katherine couldn't see.

folding the corner of her crinkled book Kate stood up, walking with confident strides until she reached the end of the aisle, surprised to see that Regulus was already leaving, his face contorted with rage as he gripped his bag roughly.

looking into the aisle he had come from Kate was suprised to see Remy from the train sitting at one of the chairs, he too looked frustrated as he turned the pages of a book aggresivley.

Walking towards him reluctantley Katherine made sure to let him know that she was there, he seemed like the jumpy type.

"What did Reg want?" she asked, pulling the chair next to him out.

The boy glanced up, a vague look on his face, "What?".

Kate frowned, "you okay Remy? you look tired".

"its Remus, and im fine" he answered, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

Katherine frowned looking closer at the tall brunette, scars littered his face... scars that she recognised.

"what did you want?" Remus asked grumpily.

Deciding to drop whatever she suspected was happening with the boy Kate focused back on her original task, "what did Regulus want?" she asked curiously.

Remus shook his head, "nothing, I wanted to talk to him about his brother".

Katherine frowned, a pit forming in her stomach, "is something wrong with Sirius?" she hadn't seen him since she moved despite having a few classes with him.

"why do you care anyway? thought you didn't care for blood-traitors and muggle-borns?" Remus quipped, his short temper peeking through.

It was true that Katherine had said that but she still wasn't truly capturing what it meant to say that, half the school already hated her and she had barely even begun, "I- I dont" she stammered.

Frowning, Remus turned to face her, looking her directly in the eye, a frown on his face, "whatever, Sirius is upset that Reg didnt leave grimmauld place with him" he explained, flipping through his book haphazardly.

Katherine nodded thoughtfully, "well, it makes sense why Regulus couldn't" she declared, fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

Remus looked at her, confusion displayed clearly by his shocked face, "it makes sense?" he said, a horrified look on his face, "how could you say that?".

Katherine shrugged, suprised by Remus's naivety, "well he couldn't leave  because then there wouldnt be an heir to the Black family" she tried to explain.

Remus just stared blankly, the words flying over his head.

"its the same for me, I cant run away like Sirius did, ive tried. My family needs me to stay because somebody has to inherit the land and the money. normally it would be the eldest son, but Sirius left so its up to Reg and I have no siblings so its up to me" she tried clearing it up, somewhat successfully.

"but cant you just try running away?" Remus protested, "whats the worst that could happen?".

smiling sadly Katherine looked at the boys innocent face, "The world is very naive to what happens in a pureblood household, most of us dont have any choice".

scoffing, the gryffindor abandoned the book he was holding, slamming it shut, "bullshit, you have a choice! just dont cuss out muggle-borns whats the worst that could happen!".

Wincing at his sudden movements Katherine shrunk in her chair, which made Remus lower his hand, guilt spinning in his stomach. Sirius didnt talk much about his home life. The boys knew that he hated his parents and that they treated him badly, sometimes beating him but the same could be said for many homes, his own father had beaten him before. 

once the girl had regained her composure she answered his protests, "Put it this way, most Pure-blood families. Mine at least, would rather a dead heir than an absent one".

Remus's face paled as Kate spoke, his frown deepening and eyebrows furrowing, "you really dont have a choice?" he asked skeptically.

Katherine shrugged, "sure we do, but the choices are pretty grim is all".

shaking his head in disbelief Remus looked at the small girl, "Sirius would've stayed if he knew that".

"he shouldn't, its good that he got out" Katherine said, biting back tears as she smiled, "just... make sure hes okay?" she couldn't help that a small part of her yearned for his friendship once again. 

Remus nodded, "The marauders always stick together".

Despite the Seriousness of the situation Kate couldn't help but laugh, "the Marauders?".

Nodding rather ashamedly Remus grimaced, "the boys came up with it".

Katherine giggled, "what is it? some band name?" she teased, "are you like The Beatles but without the instruments?".

shaking his head, Remus cracked a smile.

"Is Sirius like Ringo? please tell me he has a pair of those stupid glasses!".

Remus couldn't help but be taken aback by the girls seemingly bright personality. how quickly the sadness from their previous conversation had faded, leading to an easy conversation that flowed better than most.

"I dont know about glasses but he does have some weird gel that makes his hair look kinda similar to his" Remus said to the amused girl.

Katherine smiled brightly, "you so have to give him crap for that!".

Laughing at the girls happiness Remus nodded, "already done".

Katherine nodded, finally looking down at the gold watch on her wrist which read 11:35.

"I better get going, I was meant to meet Rabastan 5 minutes ago" Katherine explained standing up gracefully, "it was nice talking to you Remy".

Remus nodded gratefully at the girl as she stood up, turning back to his book, a smile on his face rather than the frown he had previously adorned.

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Emerald green ~ Sirius BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang