Chapter 14

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Eda didn't know why she was nauseous, but she was, a sixth sense maybe? The kids were fine, she had talked to Ayfer and Defne a few minutes ago. She had an overwhelming desire to call Serkan. When he didn't pick up, she called again, he had no more meetings that afternoon, they had gone over their schedules that morning. Eda knew that something was wrong when he wasn't answering. She grabbed her laptop and papers, shoved them into her briefcase and hurried to her car.

She was driving faster than she should have and knew that she would probably get a fine or two, but something told her she needed to hurry. Twenty minutes later Eda pulled up in front of ArtLife and a young man came to get her car, "Serkan Bolat's office, where is it?"

Tolga was surprised, "Take the stairs, first door on the right," he shouted after her.

Eda burst through the front door, saw the stairs and headed towards them. Someone called after her but she had more important things to do. She prayed that she was wrong and that she was overreacting. Eda didn't even knock on the closed door, she opened it and her eyes fell on Serkan. She saw the bottle in front of him with the full glass. The bottle was half empty, "Serkan?" she fell to her knees in front of him, as she turned his chair, "Baby?"

It registered with Serkan that Eda was there in front of him. He pulled her from her knees to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around her, "I didn't Eda, I couldn't, I promised you, I promised myself, but I wanted to."

She stroked her hand on his cheek, "What happened? Talk to me," she pleaded with him.

Serkan pressed his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, "I was served some truths today and it was overwhelming. It would have been so easy to drown myself. I almost did, but then I thought of the kids who are depending on me. Of you, and my promise to you and to myself. I couldn't because I didn't want to chance losing you, losing them, losing me." Serkan opened his eyes to see Eda looking at him with love and concern, "I love you Eda, I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose my family or me again."

Eda drew his face to hers and kissed him tenderly, "I felt something was wrong with you and came. I've never done that before in my life. Even when Berat was killed in the crash, I had no gut feeling, nothing, but you? I felt your pain to my core. What does that tell you Serkan?"

He looked at her sadly, "You can give me the words Eda."

"I love you Serkan Bolat. You've shown me what a good man you are at heart," Eda gave him more kisses before getting off his lap, "This needs to go away," she picked up the bottle and glass.

Serkan pushed wearily up from his chair and took them from her, walking towards a decorative wall. He saw Eda's confusion, "There's a hidden door here to my private bathroom. I should be the one to dump this garbage if I'm serious." Serkan pushed through the door and began to pour the contents down the sink. He felt no sense of loss, only an extreme sense of relief that he had the strength to toss the alcohol.

Eda walked into the bathroom and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her cheek on his back. When everything was dumped out Serkan turned and held Eda to him, "Thank you baby. I know I could have done this without you but having you here to support me means the world to me."

He walked with Eda to the sofa and recounted his conversation with Pyril. Serkan held no blame for his partner in his voice and Eda understood where the woman was coming from. They were talking quietly, Eda resting her head on his shoulder when the door burst open and Engin practically flew in, "Betul said that there was . . . . . . . Oh . . . . . . a trespasser, but then I am guessing that you are the culprit?"

Serkan made a brief introduction, "Engin, this is Eda Yildiz."

"Eda?" Something was going on but Engin had no idea what it was.

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