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season 7 episode 6

There Goes the Groom🚨

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There Goes the Groom

Beep. Beep. Beep

Lindsey let out a groan as she listened to the sound of her alarm blaring. Her eyes fluttered open as her hand reached out to grab her phone and stop the alarm. After letting her eyes adjust, she looked back at her phone to check the time.


She ran her hand over her face, trying to wake herself up. "Buck, we gotta get up." She said as she reached her hand out to his side of the bed. Her hand met the mattress and her brows furrowed. Turning her head she found his side of the bed empty.

"Buck?" She called out but she didn't get an answer.

He had Chimneys bachelor party last night. He had been so excited for it, more than Chimney was. In fact, Chimney didn't even want a party, Buck basically forced him to have one.

Lindsey had figured he'd be out late but by the quietness that filled the apartment, it seemed he didn't come home.

She turned back to her phone and went to call him when she realized she missed a message from him. There were no words, just a video. She watched what looked like Buck and Eddie singing karaoke. It was hard to tell because the camera was moving so much, but it was evident that the two were drunk out of their minds. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, it seems like it's gonna be just us two this morning." She said softly as she rubbed her hand over her stomach.

It only took a couple attempts but she finally got up from the bed and made her way downstairs to make some breakfast. She didn't have much time to relax. After breakfast she had to start getting ready that way she'd make it to the wedding on time.

Music filled the bathroom as she curled her hair. She hummed along to So High School by Taylor Swift and swayed her hips to the beat, careful not to burn herself.

She quickly did her makeup and threw on her jewelry before going to get dressed. She threw off Bucks LAFD t-shirt that she had been using as a nightgown and reached for the dress she was going to wear. It was a long flowy light blue dress. She slipped it on and then reached back to zip it up but struggled to get it. She kept trying but she could not get it and Buck wasn't around to help her.

Letting out a huff, she shook her head and ran her hands over the dress, "It's okay, it's fine." She told herself. She could just have someone zip it for her when she gets to the building. It's no big deal.

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