chapter 1

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Elsa's POV

I wake up at 6(very early in the morning) I go to wake up Anna. Anna is a very heavy sleeper . it takes forever to wake some one like anna.

Elsa: Anna wake up!
Elsa: anna !
Anna: go back to sleep!
Elsa:ok,then.I guess I'll go and eat the last chocolate chunk cookie!
Anna:nooo!not my cookie!
Elsa: Anna!its time to go to school!we're going to be late!
Anna : sorry! I'll get ready ,you can go ahead I'll catch up.
Elsa:OK,see u at school.
Anna: OK bye!

I go to my room and i grab my stuff then I stare at a picture on my bed room shelve.I think long and hard about the picture then I take the picture with me along with my other belongings.then I head out to dream Disney academy (D.D.A)

Life In dream disney academyWhere stories live. Discover now