chapter 14

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Elsa's POV

I was humming along the song I was listening to.

Slowly I was singing the lyrics with out knowing.

" I wouldn't want to be anybody else .


you made me insecure to me I wasn't good enough but who are you to judge, when your a diamond in the rough. I'm sure you got some things, you'd want to change about your self,
But when it comes me,I wouldn't want to be anyone else.

I hummed the rest of the song.

As I am walking I hear laughter. Then,I feel someone push me.I stumble a bit to keep my balance from falling.I look up to see who pushed me and it was a girl with blonde hair. She also had blue eyes.

"Ha! You think you have a pretty voice?!Well you don't!"

Then I hear another voice coming from behind me.

"Hey astrid! Wacha doing?"

Astrid:hey repunzel !I'm just messing with this dorky girl who I found singing in the hall.

Repunzel: astrid!! How dare you!

I let out a small sigh of relief.this girl is going to help me.I give a small smile.

Repunzel:how dare you Keep all the fun to your self!

She said walking towards me. I was in fear.I was worrying. I was wandering what they were going to to do to me.

Soon they were blocking the hall so I wouldn't run away. They were walking towards me with little grins plastered on their faces.they had their arms crossed in front of their chests.

Soon I get kicked on my leg.then I start to get pushed side to side.I was getting very dizzy and soon I was on the floor.My hair was now in a messy bangs were now covering my face. Then one of them reaches for my glasses.

E:hey give it back!

I yell while trying to get up.

"Shut up!"

They both say at me.

Repunzel drops my glasses on the floor and steps on them with her heels.I yell for help. But no one heard me.

I get slapped on my cheek.I then get pushed against the wall.I couldn't tell who pushed me.everything was blurry.

"If you say any thing,and I mean ANYTHING you will be in big trouble with US, you hear!"

I nodded slowly while tears were forming in my eyes.

"Good!cuz no one will belive you any way. Cuz we're the cool kids while your just a ugly lonely dork who has a horrible one likes you. You should transfer school if you know what I mean.see you later loser!!!"

They turned around to walk away. I try to run away.but I get tripped and I fall to the floor.


They leave for real this time. I slowly get up sobbing.Remembering every thing she said to me.

I run down the hall as carefully as I could because I couldn't see well with out my glasses.I didn't know where I was going but I kept on running.

Jack's POV

I was waking down the hall listening to my jam.when I feel someone bump into me and we both fall.

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