chapter 15

116 7 7


Picture up above is how the window couch or seat looks like.

Oh and one more thing. in my school our days go like this

7,1,2,3 & 7,4,5,6

7 th period is literacy and we have it every day and the other numbers are our other periods.I know that it is confusing but it's easy when you get used to it.but when you start to get used to it,the periods get scrambled but literacy stays in the same place.

Now to the story.;-)
Elsa's POV

I woke up at 6 and I was woken up by a knock on my door.

E:who is it!!

I yell from under my blanket.

*No answer*

''Fine I'm coming.just give me a minute!''

I yell as I walk to my closet.I grab a thin jacket to cover my shoulders. Then I walk over to my door.I have to admit that I was scared about who was on the other side of my door.

I slowly open the door.I then see......No one.I poke my head out the door.I step out of my room.I step on something.

E:what's this?

I whisper to my self.

I bend down to pick up what I had stepped was a piece of paper and beside it was a small flower pot.the flower pot had blue orchids.I look out one more time before going back inside.

I put the flower pot on my desk.I take a seat and I take out the note.I read it out loud to my self.

*Clear throat*


Dear elsa,
Sorry I yelled at you .i didn't mean to make you feel worse and cry.if you can,I hope we could friends.I wish for your apology

Sincerely, jack.

I just sit there staring at the note.

E: he apologized?

I get up and go to my window sill couch.I grab the flower pot.I lean against the window and I place the the pot next to the window so it can get enough Sun light.I water my flowers.then I go to my side table that's next to my bed.I grab my phone to check the time.

My phone reads 6:20.I place my phone on its charger.I take off my jacket and I head to the bathroom.I take a shower.

~~ time skip~~

I turn the water off.I step out side the shower to grab my towel.I look at my self in the shoulders have bruises along with my chest,arms,and legs.My smile drops to a frown.I wrap my towel around my body and I exit my bathroom.I close my window curtains,and I walk to my drawer.I pick out my black jeans and a blue shirt that says dreamer on it with snowflakes.

I then put on a jacket to cover my bruised arms.I apply light make up.I put on my contact lenses.then I walk out to my locker an I take out my reading book and my stuff for art.I close my locker and I head to the cafeteria to grab breakfast.

I got a cinnamon roll and an Apple.I walk quietly through the halls to the lake.I sit on the picnic bench and start to eat.I then feel someone taping my shoulder.I turn around to see a girl with red curly hair smiling at me.

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