chapter 11

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Elsa's POV

I wake up.the light from the window blinds me for a second. My eyes adjust to the light in the room. I look around woundering where I was.

I try to get up but something stops me.(well besides having a major head ache and all)I look down to see what's stopping me from getting up.

I see someone latched on to me.hugging me.

The person had silvery white hair.he had pale skin.and judging by the room he liked blue.

That's when I realized that the figure,the person who had helped me was JACK.

jack was hugging me while he was asleep. He had his royal blue hoodie on. His hoodie was nice and soft. I tryed to get up again but failed jack only hugged me tighter.he was hurting my bruises and wounds from yesterday.

E:jack? Jack wake up!

Jack didn't answer. Dam it! He's a heavy sleeper just like anna!

So after a few more attempts of trying to wake jack up I gave up!he's unwakeable! So I just laid there.
A few minutes later I got bored and I started playing with his hair then remembered that it's jack wasn't going to up till the next few hours.then eventually I fell asleep.

Jack's POV

So I heard elsa calling my name.(guilty is charged)but for some reason I didn't want her to leave so I did what first popped into my head and I hugged her tighter than than I was already.

I was thinking about awaking up because she was calling my name nonstop.then she want quiet.I think she gave up. Then she started fiddling with my hair.and then fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. But. Dosent a girl need a break?plzzzzzzz comment and like and follow. Oh,I almost forgot to ask,do you want me to tell you what's going to happen next or in the future?plz tell me.

Life In dream disney academyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz