chapter 12

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Jack's POV

I woke up it was around 11 (wow we slept the entire day) elsa was sound asleep.I get up and I go to my closet and I look for my shoes.I then walk back to wake elsa up.

J:elsa? Elsa wake up!

E:jack?(rubs eyes)What time is it?

J:it's 11.

E:wait,what do you mean it's eleven?

J:it's 11 pm.

E:*gasp* I have to go.


E:I have to call Anna!She must be worried about me!

J: whoa whoa whoa calm down you can tell her tomorrow.I bet she's sleeping right now.

E:*deep breath*maybe your right.

J:I'm always come,let's go.

E:go? Go where?

J:to your dorm. Now come on I'm going to walk you there.

E: um ok.

I help elsa get up. I get her school stuff.(that I picked up after I brought elsa to my room)Then we walk out of my room,I locked my door and we head off to Elsa's room.elsa had a worried expression on her face.she was clutching her self tightly.

J:hey,what's wrong?

E:nothing.I'm just thinking.

J:um wacha thinking about?


J:which is?

E:* sigh* is ok if I ask you a something?

I got a little worried

J:sure.ask away.

E:ummm why did you help me?

I go a little surprised when she asked this question

J:why wouldn't I?

Elsa's POV

E:uh I don't know.I was just asking.

I give a small smile

No one would of helped me.everyone would of walked away,laugh or kick me in the gut back in high school.

Jack's POV

Elsa gives me a small but nice smile then,her smile fades into a frown.

J:we're here.

E:thanks jack.

J:no problem! :-)

I give a small smile and turn around towards my way to my room but feel a slight tug.
I turn around but I get jerked and pulled down.then I feel some thing touch my cheek.

elsa gave me a kiss.

I feel heat rising to my cheek.Then she turns around to run into her room.I grab her wrist to stop her from running off.

Elsa's POV

I turn around afraid of what he might do.

Is he going to slap me for what I did?Is he going to yell at me?Is he going to be mad at me?

I stare at him.I stare at his eyes while he stares at mine.

J:elsa I-I........


J:I-I I forgot to say good night.

Jack said while scratching the back of his neck.he had a big smile plastered on his face.

I give jack a faint smile.

E:uhh...good night to you two.

He lets go of my wrist and I open my room door and enter.As soon as close my door I hear jack say something that made me giggle.

Jack's POV



I some what blushed and walked away with a stupid grin on my face.

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