chapter 13

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Jack's POV

It's a sunday morning. I wake up due to my phone ringing. I reach over grab my phone and I answer.


R:hey Jackie! How are you?
J:little sleepy and bored.
R:hey um I have a question.
J:ask away.
R:do you want to go to the mall a little later?
J:ya sure,what time?
R:ummm.around 10:00?
J:ok sure bye

I hung up my Phone and connected it to my charger.It's 6'o clock,4 hrs til 10.what should I do in those 4 hrs?

J:what to do,what to do.

I get up and stretched for a bit.I look around my room and decide to go wander the halls of the academy.I put on my shoes ,and my black jacket with white sleeves. I grab my phone,my wallet,and keys.then I head out into the halls.

Elsa's POV

I was in the cafeteria eating my break fast(cereal and toast).I was reading my favorite book written by Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. I was wearing a some what cute dorky outfit that my father got me for my birthday.

Since it was Sunday I was too lazy to put on my contact lenses, I was wearing my black skinny glasses.

I sort of like this look because it's simple and cute.but I mostly only dress like this when I'm going out to buy something or when I know that there's not thay many people around so I can avoid being picked on.

since it was Sunday not many people were here because of 2 reasons, 1. It's Sunday they all probably went shopping. 2. There's nothing to do on Sunday,it's free day.but I spend my Sundays and Saturdays at the academy at's either 'class' or read or listen to music.

I get up and throw my trash away. Then I pull out my phone and ear buds and I tuck my book in my bag then I walk out of the cafeteria. I put my ear buds in place I click a random song and I start to walk down the halls.

Jack's POV

I was walking while eating an apple.I had my beats on and they were on high.

As walk down the hall I read the flyers.

J:art club,chess club,cooking club,chorus and drama club.

I seriously don't know why the school even pays to have these after school one is that talented or brave enough to join chorus and far as I know the students at this academy mostly join art,chess,and cooking.

Repunzel joined art and her friends mulan and tiana joined chess and since their popular, students go to only the club's that they joined.

Sorry for the short chapter.Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been bored and I need the inspiration to write. Oh and sorry again,sorry for every thing.

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