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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓* * *

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December 27th, 1994

The usually chaotic house was abnormally silent as all three remaining residents were awaiting a phone call.

"I'm sure everything's fine." Teddy tried to reassure his older sister by breaking the silence.

"Mum wouldn't rush over like that if that was the case." She shook her head, her brown eyes glaring at the dutch telephone.

"Mum always does that, she's just extra careful."

"Teddy." Romy called, sighing and turning around to face him. "I appreciate it, okay? But it's not going to make me feel better until she calls."

And as if right on cue, the telephone started to ring and Romy jumped up to answer, but Teddy was closer and he picked it up. His sister was quick to join and snatch the phone away though. Their father joined them with the intention to eavesdrop the conversation.


"Romy, it's me." Juliet responded, her voice sounding a bit tired.

"Mum, what happened? Is Rose okay?"

"She's fine, she's resting now." Her mother reassured. "Can you put me on speaker?"

The blonde obeyed quickly, and her dad leaned over to question his wife on the other side of the line. "Juliet, what happened?"

"Listen, her grandmother collapsed. When I arrived, some muggle healers were here, and they said that they're familiar with Rosie's grandmother because she is a cancer patient. Rose apparently didn't know until now, so she's a bit devastated." The mother explained.

"Shit." Remus cursed, horrified.

All members of the family knew that Rose only had her grandmother, so they felt terrible for her.

Romy who had been biting on her nails for a full hour, started to question her mother again. "What happens now? Is she in the hospital? Should I come over?"

"No, the healers said her grandmother had requested to stay home long ago. So now they... Well, I don't really know how to explain it, but they put up some equipment in her room and branched her to it. It keeps beeping too, but apparently that's a good sign."

She continued. "I told Rosie to come home with me, but she said she can't leave her grandmother. Right now, she's sleeping in her room, I think the news took a toll on her. But she did say she wants to be alone right now."

Romy bit on her lower lip, desperately wishing she could have been of some comfort to her best friend. Instead she found herself anxiously waiting on the side lines.

"Are you staying over?" Remus asked.

"I have to, I can't leave them like this, they only have each other." Juliet said. "I think Rose is going to have a lot of questions for her grandma tomorrow, and she might not like the answers she'll get. She'll need support then. Romy, come over in the morning, alright?"

Romy sighed, unsatisfied but obedient. "Okay, mum. Take care of her please."

"I will. I gotta go, I love you."

"Love you too." The three responded simultaneously, before they hung up. They knew for sure that would have made Juliet laugh at them, she called them the triplets.

Andromeda started to pace around, before mumbling to herself.

"You'd think it's her grandma dying, the way she's so anxious." Teddy muttered to Remus.

Remus ruffled his hair gently before flicking him on the forehead. "Teddy, if the person you cared about the most outside of immediate family was going through the worst moment of their life, I'm pretty sure you'd be the same way."

And so, the youngest member of the family stared at his older sister who started to walk up the stairs, while his father went to fix up the dinner.

He contemplated a bit, standing there, fidgeting, before he sighed and ran up the stairs.

It was a few minutes later that he walked into his sister's room, his hands holding onto a box.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She muttered, annoyed and curious about the things he had in hand.

"My hands are full. It's not like you were doing something important anyway." He rolled his eyes at her, setting the box on his bed, where she was sitting.

"I could have been!" She defended, and she took advantage of his close proximity to throw a plushie she made at his face.

"Whatever. Here, take this." He nudged the box towards her, while picking up the plushie that fell after it hit him.

"What's that?"

"A box. Open it."

She grimaced at his obvious and useless answer and opened the boy, staring down at the many packs of snacks, both muggle and wizard packages laying in the box.

"Merlin, are you a snack collector?" She asked, trying to count them with her finger.

"No, those are all from my friends. We all sent each other snacks this year."

The blonde girl looked up at her little brother with a raised eyebrow. "Well, what do you want me to do with it?"

Teddy seemed to slowly feel embarrassed, as his ears were getting red. He fidgeted a bit.

"Isn't that what you do? Comfort people? You can make a 'feel better' box with those." He stuttered, trying to explain his idea.

Realisation hit Romy and she pursed her lips while rummaging through the snacks, trying not to chuckle so she wouldn't embarrass him further.

"What?" He whined, annoyed, watching her pursed lips.

She shook her head with a smile, and stood up from the bed to hug him. Of course, he started to try and wiggle his way out of there and whined and complained, but eventually accepted the hug.

"That is really sweet, Teddy, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So you'll take it to her, right?"

"Not all of it, I'll lose an arm trying to get it there." She paused. "And Rose is a picky eater."

And so, the siblings spent the rest of the evening putting up a little basket for the blonde's best friend, which held mostly snacks, a few plushies, and one of Romy's comfort blankets.

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Here, take a shorter one

THE SWEET AND THE GOLDEN // cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now