Day 6 - Worky time cancelled!: 5/8

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Having stopped before an obstacle made of pure horror and terrifying memories, 99380 narrows its eyes, back arched like a cat unable to decide between fight or flight.

No webby spinners anywhere, and yet...

The arrangement of seemingly sky-high nets separating several courts for tennis, squash, baseball, and other activities from the rest of the resort as well as each other is making the drone look around with warranted paranoia.

10013 said that there shouldn't be many threats anywhere in this place, so... maybe this is all part of the... uhh, fun?

It doesn't particularly smell of rot or remains here either.

However, knowing that webby spinners of various kinds usually come when their webs move, 99380 carefully pokes the net and immediately jumps behind a tree lining the road that led it here, one of many forming a neatly kept alley.

Nothing happens.

Hmm, the web wasn't even sticky. Another try?

99380 pokes the net again, this time with more strength and without immediately jumping away. It's its job to figure out if this is something that might harm other drones, after all.

Nothing happens yet again. Emboldened by the lack of visible danger, 99380 walks around the nets until it finds a hole leading through. Some more experimentation of darting back and forth in case this was some elaborate and patient ruse later, the drone has to admit that everything seems fairly safe.

So what is all this for then?

While webby spinner webs usually are heavy on patterns, 99380 has never seen anything this perfect, so it begins strolling through various separated rectangular sections. The floor of one is made of hard, red dust staining the drone's hooves, another section has weird grass lookalike covering it.

99380 jumps backwards when its eyes spot a particular thing in the middle of the football green.


A brief look around reveals, once again, that there are no cave spiders of any variety approaching 99380 to melt its insides and suck them out. 99380 tilts its head.

This place is confusing...

With utmost care, it approaches the football left in the middle of the field.


The ball rolls a bit.

*Stronger poke!*

This egg is extremely bouncy!

99380 chases the football quickly rolling away for a moment.


"Ehehehehehe!" 99380 follows the kicked football again before jumping on it with legs spread and rolling along, "Gotcha!"

Its ears catch the sound of a rock or a pebble grinding against the ground, and the drone immediately jumps behind the nearest cover, which is the ball itself.


When it stops looking up the various surrounding nets, crouching 99380 finally notices a female griffon wearing a short, white skirt, a shade on her forehead, and carrying a squash racket, who is carefully approaching the drone.

"Hmmm, who or what might you be, little critter?" she mumbles to herself.

"I'm 99380, Miss!" the drone stops attempting to ineffectively hide behind the football, and sits up when it realizes there are no giant spiders coming yet again.

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