Chapter 32.

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

S I L E N C E   T H A T   A D O R N S
T H E   H E A R T S

Shivaay held back a groan as he changed the gears——the manual ones——I take it Arjun that it was a gift from your wife but I think it's time you buy a new model. He was tired and it took extra effort whenever he had to change gears. And the tremors in his left hand didn't help at all.

She watched as his face contorted whenever he moved his hands ever so slightly.

"Stop the car." Annika spoke. Shivaay turned to look at her as in to ask if anything's wrong. But he had no energy to voice out his thoughts, the exertion accompanied by the stress that was bestowed upon had started to take over.

He watched as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car prompting him to the same as well.

She turned to him and extended her hand.

Shivaay blinked at the extended hand. They were standing right next to Arjun's car. He was surprised when Arjun offered him the car, considering it was his beloved.

"The key." She asked as she extended her hand. He dropped the key in her hand without any question, but he was still staring at her curiously.

She got into the driving seat. He protested.

"It's A-Arjun's car, he will have m-my head of s-something h-happened to it."

She looked at him with narrowed eyes, "Well, I can drive well." She spoke confidently.

"I-I can drive you h-home." He spoke.

She turned to look at him seriously, "Shivaay, you are exhausted. And driving in this condition is recommended." She paused, "Your voice is shaking. Tell me the address. I will drive you home. I can call a cab from there." She spoke.

He nodded and sighed and buckled his seatbelt.

"I have to take the right one?" She asked as she stared at the traffic lights, it was red, and will remain so for two minutes more. When he didn't answer she turned to look at him only to find him sound asleep.

Her eyes fell in his pocket, his phone was on the verge of falling. She adjusted it a bit causing him to stir.

He chuckled slightly causing her to turn to him.

"T-taking advantage of-f your ex-husband in-n sleep." He joked.

She froze, suddenly the comfortable silence of the car turned suffocating. She turned back to the signal. One minute.

"I-I am s-sorry. I-I should——" he spoke when she didn't say anything. "n-n-o-ot men-men-ti-tion-ned it."

Shivaay sighed, he didn't want to disrupt the comfortable silence.

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