Chapter 25: Together forever

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A month later, the scene shifts to Jeonghan’s bedroom, which looks like a hurricane has swept through. Clothes are strewn everywhere, the bed buried under piles of rejected outfits.

“No, this is just as bad,” Jeonghan says, throwing a floral shirt onto the bed with a look of pure disdain. How does every outfit turn out to be the worst fit when it’s time to go out? Jeonghan can never understand that.

"Han," Joshua takes a deep breath, dropping the leather pants he’s holding. "This is like the tenth outfit you’ve rejected. If you keep this up, just do it yourself, you diva!" Joshua exclaims, tossing the pants onto the bed in frustration.

Jeonghan rolls his eyes dramatically. "I always help you when it’s your turn, and now you’re doing this to me—" He stops short as Joshua gives him a withering glare. It’s true that Jeonghan is taking an ungodly amount of time to get ready today, but it’s an important day, and there’s no way he’s going to look like a mess.

Joshua sighs, rubbing his temples. "Look, I get that today is a big deal, but you need to pick something already. We’re going to be late."

Jeonghan huffs, picking up another shirt and holding it against his body, scrutinizing his reflection in the mirror. "I can’t help it if I want to look perfect. You wouldn’t understand."

Joshua raises an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, I understand perfectly. I just have better time management skills."

Jeonghan narrows his eyes at Joshua but can’t help the small smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Fine, help me find something decent, and I’ll owe you one."

"Deal," Joshua says, diving back into the chaos of clothes with renewed vigor. "But you’re buying drinks tonight."

Jeonghan laughs, the tension easing slightly. "Only if I look fabulous."

"You always do, darling. Now, let’s find you something that screams ‘Jeonghan at his finest’ and get out of here."

Jeonghan smiles and throws a flying kiss at Joshua, who reenters the room with his head held high. "And besides, Seungcheol would like you even if you wore a rug," Joshua says with a wink, grabbing a white furry sweater and black pants.

"You should go with this," he says, handing the sweater to Jeonghan, who takes it without a word and heads to the bathroom to change. Joshua sighs, flopping onto the bed. Tonight is a big date for Seungcheol and Jeonghan, and oddly enough, Joshua seems to be the only one stressed about it. Neither of these two lads seems even remotely nervous.

Jeonghan emerges a few minutes later, striking a pose with his hands clasped under his chin, looking expectantly at Joshua for approval. "How does it look?"

"You look fantastic," Joshua says, jumping off the bed

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"You look fantastic," Joshua says, jumping off the bed. "Now, let’s get your hair sorted out quickly," he urges, guiding Jeonghan over to the dresser. The long-haired male sits down, pressing his lips into a thin line, a rare moment of seriousness in his usually playful demeanor.

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