You're Welcome, NOT!

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Song: You're Welcome by Dwayne Johnson

When Moana, Aliikai, and Keoni set sail through the ocean, they ready themselves for anything. I mean anything, Keoni was watching while Moana and Aliikai rested. However, Aliikai was one who will be doing night watches since she's a Night Fury and is nocturnal. She can use her plasma blast to attack any incoming monster that might come. Lucky for them, their travel was safe since it was a bright, sunny day. Not a single cloud came from the clear blue sky. They sailed peacefully for a while, but they must keep their guard up just in case a monster might appear. Though, there was one problem. Moana and Keoni are a bit rusty in sailing since their people stopped voyaging when the monster appeared. But it didn't stop Moana from trying. Moana practiced how to sail while Keoni was fishing on the other side of the boat by using a fishing rod that he invented. Keoni was trying to see if he could catch any fish, but no luck so far. And Aliikai was napping behind Keoni. She was resting after she practiced her flying. She practiced how to fly on her own and she was getting good at it. Moana and Keoni guessed that it was in her instinct since Night Furies are known to be intelligent dragons and can learn how to fly at a young age.

As they sailed the endless ocean, Moana was repeating the words that her grandmother told her before she died. She's been doing it for hours and it was somewhat annoying since she's been repeating it nonstop. This caused Keoni to look at his childhood best friend. She's been doing this for quite sometimes and it was worrying him. I mean she barely took a break or even asked for help with sailing.

"I am Moana of Motunui, you will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the Heart of Te Fiti." Moana repeated.

"Moana, you've been practicing for hours. You can take a break, you know." Keoni said to Moana with worry.

Moana looked at him and gave an assuring smile. "It's okay, Keoni. I need to get this right if we meet Maui."

"If he's still alive." Keoni added.

Moan ignored that comment that her friend said as she continued her speech. "I am Moana-"


That sudden knock startled both Moana and Keoni. They froze in their spot with a yelp of surprise. Aliikai woke up from her nap when she heard the knock from the storage of the boat. She wonders what would've caused it. She turns to Keoni and Moana as she lets out a croon of confusion. The two humans have no idea what just happened. They were confused as Aliikai too.

"What was that?" Keoni asked Moana, earning a shrug from. They forget about the sudden knock as they did their own thing. And Moana continues her speech.

"...of Motu-"




Moana, Keoni, and Aliikai looked at each other and then to the boat's storage box. They knew that there's something in there and it was getting suspicious for them, mostly Koeni and Aliikai. Moana looks at them before at the storage box. She carefully opens it while Aliikai readies herself and Keoni brings out his spear. When it was opened, a coconut suddenly came out from it, startling the three friends in the process.

"What the?" Keoni mutters out in surprise.

Moana looks at the coconut with a confused and surprised expression before she slowly takes it. And when she did, they saw none other than the chicken named Heihei. Moana quickly puts the coconut back down on Heihei's head as she, Keoni, and Aliikai looked at each other with wide eyes while

"Heihei?!" They spoke in unison while Aliikai roared gently in surprise.

How in the world did Heihei get in there?! I mean, he was at the village...they think he was in the village. They always knew that Heihei had a knack for getting into trouble that almost cost his life. And now, here he is, and he somehow got in the storage box of the boat. Moana brings Heihei out of the storage box and gently places him on the boat. She removes the coconut off his head, so he can see. But when she did, the first thing Heihei did was clucking, but when he looks around, he notices that he's in open water. There was no land on sight. This caused Heihei's eyes to twitch in fear before he let out a loud shriek that could be heard from miles away. He was terrified when he saw that they were in the middle of the ocean. Moana quickly covers Heihei's head with the coconut, stopping him from shrieking. She looks at Aliikai and Keoni, gesturing to the chicken that was covered by the coconut. Keoni and Aliikai just shrugged their shoulders at her, not sure what to think of why Heihei was here. Moana sighs gently as she removes the coconut off Heihei's head, however, Heihei continues to shriek after Moana removes the coconut. Moana had to put the coconut back on his head again. She then removes it briefly, earning another shriek from Heihei again, and Moana puts it back again.

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